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Lander's appeal to say what wages she wanted. She would only say that she was going to take a place an Commonwealth Avenue, where a friend of hers was living, and when the week was up, she went, and left her late mistresses feeling rather blank. "I presume we shall have to get anotha," said Mrs. Lander. "Oh, not right away!" Clementina pleaded. "Well, not right away," Mrs.

Dat worry me some, 'cause we need each otha. Wit' his haid an' my arms we mek one pretty good man. Dat lil Irishman was a fightin' fool. Weighed only 90 pounds, but strong an' wiry. Co'se he git licked mos' do time, but he allus ready fer anotha fight. "Didn't lak for folks to call him Irish. 'He fodder was Irish and he mudder American, he say; 'I be'n born aboard a Dutch brig in French waters.

"I know you don't want me to do it!" "Well, I shall miss you," he answered, evasively. "And I shall miss you, too, Mr. Bennam. Don't you believe it? But if I don't take this chance to get home, I don't know when I shall eva have anotha. And there isn't any use waiting no, there isn't!" The vice-consul laughed at the sort of imperative despair in her tone. "How are you going? Which way, I mean."

Once there and her tears flowed freely; she hid her face in her mother's dress, and sobbed as if her heart would break. "Don't cry, Baby! don't cry, Lammie, dis ain't da las' time da wah goin' to be a drill. Bud'll have a chance anotha time and den he'll show 'em somethin'; bless you, I spec' he'll be a captain." But this consolation of philosophy was nothing to "Little Sister."

Must I die befo'e you can find out that there is such a thing as talkin', and such anotha thing as doin'? You wouldn't get yourself into half as many scrapes if you talked more and done less, in this wo'ld." Lander rose. "Wait! Hold on! What are you going to say to the pooa thing? She'll be so disappointed!"

Just then the dandy with the sleepy eyes and long whiskers sauntered up to the porter on duty, with an unconcerned and lazy air. He had received no further injury than a shaking, and therefore felt that he could afford to affect a cool and not-easy-to-be-ruffled demeanour. "Aw po-taw," said he, twirling his watch-key, "w'en d'you expect anotha twain to take us on?"

I look back an' see de do' swingin' shut, slow like, so I run back an' stick my foot in hit and shove hit back open. "Jack an me run back de same way we come. Pretty soon we find anotha sailor an' go wit him to a yaller man dat could speak English. He pin a li'l yaller flag on our shirts an' say hit de badge o' de Chinese gov'ment, an' we be safe, cause we b'long to de U.S. navy.

Must I die befo'e you can find out that there is such a thing as talkin', and such anotha thing as doin'? You wouldn't get yourself into half as many scrapes if you talked more and done less, in this wo'ld." Lander rose. "Wait! Hold on! What are you going to say to the pooa thing? She'll be so disappointed!"

"'I be'n over de seven seas, says de Limey, 'an' I see dat ol' flag mistress of all of 'em. "'You be'n around some, says Jack, 'but I done a li'l sailin' mahse'f. Fust place I went was to France. "Atter dat I ships fo' England, Jack tells de Limey, lookin' 'im straight in de eye. "'Fore God, Cap'm, says Jack, 'dat Limey lan' on me wid bofe feet 'fore I say anotha word. Nevah got in one lick.

Slowly, stealthily, Jackrabbit left the cabin, the two women, though for different reasons, watching him go until the door had closed behind him. "Now, Wowkle," said the Girl, turning to her with a smile, "it's for two to-night." Wowkle's eyelashes twinkled up inquisitorially. "Huh?" "Yep." Wowkle's eyes narrowed to pin-points. "Come anotha? Never before come anotha," was her significant comment.