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Updated: August 16, 2024

The big man bent over the child clumsily and tried to raise his quivering chin. "Aw, now, Freddy," he coaxed, "wanna come out with me an' an' have a soda?" Freddy shook his head. "Buy ya some candy, too. Choc'late drops! An' how about one o' them li'l airyplane toys I seen in the window down the street? Huh? Or some marbles? Huh? Freddy, le's go buy out this here dinky li'l ole town.

Landy rode for a distance in both directions looking intently for signs. "Ugly Collins has either lost his time-card er has traded his wagon fer a airyplane," said the mentor. "Mebbe Maizie has delayed the take-off to finish her war with Logan. At any rate, they haven't left a wagon track. Let's go by the house.

'When we come clear o' the town there was a long stretch o' clear road to cover, an' we was ploddin' down this when we hears the hum o' an airyplane. The Left'nant squints up an' "It's a Tawb," he sez. "Beggin' your pardon sir," I told 'im, "but it's a German. No mistakin' them bird-shaped wings an' tail. He's a German, sure enough."

The sod was soft and the young rider, rolling head over heels, was not harmed as he came to a stop close to the boys and sat up, rubbing his red head. "What's your hurry?" asked Ernest, smiling. "Nuthin'," said the boy. "Say, is that a airyplane?" "Sure thing!" replied Ernest. "Do you live near here?" "Yep!" said the boy. "Let's see you fly in it." Ernest laughed.

But they tell me he's a quieter lad since the war, as sair lamed by fa'in oot o' an airyplane." "Will he be at the Mains just now?" Dickson asked. "I wadna wonder. He has a muckle place in England, but he aye used to come here in the back-end for the shootin' and in April for birds. He's clean daft about birds.

Last Thursday night as was, I was just a-strippin' off my coat to go to bed when I heard a randy of a noise out-along, and my dogs set up a-barkin', and goin' to look, there was a airyplane had shoved hisself into my hayrick, and a young feller a-splutterin' and hollerin', and usin' all manner of heathen language to my dog.

Drown me if he wasn't back in half-an-hour, all of a heat, tellin' me in a commandin' way being an officer by what he said to pull down my fence and help him hoist that airyplane on to the road.

The airyplane flew off at last but even then the Left'nant wasn't satisfied. "He'll be off back 'ome to report this Ammunition Column on this particular spot on the road," he sez, "if he's not tickin' off the glad tidings on a wireless to 'is batteries now. An' presently I suppose they'll start starring this road wi' high-explosive shell.

I suppose I'm going to die, so I ain't got any shame about tellin' you all this. Though if I thought I was goin' to live, I'd cut my tongue out sooner'n offend you Oh," he gave a kind of groan "When the news come about Mrs. Warren bein' dead an' you p'raps without money and at the mercy of these Germans ... well! all I wonder at is I didn't steal an airyplane, and come in that.

"What wi' Jack Johnsons and airyplane bombs, you might expec' the population to have emigrated in a bunch. The Frenchmen is a plucky enough crowd, but the women My Lord." "Airyplanes every other day," said the first man.

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