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I been a-waitin' outside; I was feared dey'd see me if I tried de door." "Where are the soldiers?" "Gone. Ain't nobody outside at all.Mos' to de railroad by dis time, dey tells me. An' dere ain't nary soul 'bout dis place all run away. Come 'long wid me, son I ain't gwine ter leabe ye a minute. Marse Richard'll be waitin'. Come 'long home, son.

"Well, the nex' mornin' I got into Pondville 'bout eight o'clock and set a-waitin' till Lawyer Fillmore come in. He looked kind o' shamefaced when he see me, and I says, 'What's this Luke Shanders's been a-tellin' me 'bout your sayin' my wife's timberland is hisn?

Pickwick. 'Given me by a gen'l'm'n, howsoever, replied Sam, 'and he's a-waitin' in the drawing-room said he'd rather wait all day, than not see you. Mr. Pickwick, on hearing this determination, descended to the drawing-room, where sat a grave man, who started up on his entrance, and said, with an air of profound respect: 'Mr. Pickwick, I presume? 'The same.

"If he aint he better not come back. The gal's a-waitin' fer him. Louisiana what killed her pappy! Ha, ha! Louisiana killed French Pete!" He turned his horse and slowly, still muttering, began to haze his burros back down the cañon. "Old Jim's smart," he declaimed. "All same like an Injun, old Jim is! Come a-sneakin' up past the camp there and the gal never knew I was nigh.

"Yes, yes; but run along, bub. I mought fall off'n this hyar place, I'm gittin' stiff sittin' still so long, or the wind mought blow me off. The wind is blowin' toler'ble brief." "Gobbler or hen?" asked George Birt eagerly. "It air a hen," said Ethan. "But look-a-hyar, George, I'm a-waitin' on ye, an' ef I'd fall off'n this hyar place, I'd be ez dead ez a door-nail in a minute."

The eleven boots is to be called at half-past eight and the shoe at nine. Who's number twenty-two, that's to put all the others out? No, no; reg'lar rotation, as Jack Ketch said, ven he tied the men up. Sorry to keep you a-waitin', Sir, but I'll attend to you directly. Saying which, the man in the white hat set to work upon a top-boot with increased assiduity.

You smell like a saloon!" And another said, "Don't tell any of your lies to me, when jest one whiff of your breath is enough to make a man reel." It cut the Deacon up dretful to be accused of drinkin' and lyin'. But they wouldn't one of 'em help a mite, and it kep him boned right down a-waitin' on her.

He whispered in her ear: "Courage, little mother!" Ringing the bell at the low front step of a two-story brick dwelling, Duff Salter was admitted by Mr. Knox Van de Lear, the proprietor, a tall, plain, commonplace man, who scarcely bore one feature of his venerable father. "Come in, Mr. Salter," bellowed Knox, "tea's just a-waitin' for you. Pap's here. You know Cal, certain!

"Mebbe Adam's right," he reflected "An' yet it do worry me a bit to think of 'im comin' out of 'is garden innercent like an' not knowin' what's a-waitin' for 'im.

"I dunno how-come dey get all dem nigger notions in dey fool haid," Sam says, "but dey all waitin' dar inside de chu'ch do' some of de mos' faiful an' de mos' pra'rful ones o' de Big Bethel cong'gation been dar fo' de las' houah a-waitin' an' a-watchin', spite o' de fac' dat reg'lah meetin' ain't gwine ter be called twell arter supper. De bishop, he dar too.