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And when 'a hath seen us pull wrong ways, a hundred and twenty guineas' worth, a' might grudge us the reward for pulling right ways. I've a-knowed 'un get into that state of mind, although it was his own tenants." The lieutenant was at length compelled to laugh, though for many reasons loth to do so.

Patrick's Day, but Spiders is scarce on the 16th of March, an' it didn't rain so much as snow, so it was about a stand-off. "Toads gives warts. You seen them McKenna twins their hands is a sight with warts. Well, I seen them two boys playing with Toads like they was marbles. So! An' they might a-knowed what was comin'. Ain't every Toad just covered with warts as thick as he can stick?

"Well," said Ephraim, in a voice that shook with unwonted emotion, "you kin skin me if it ain't Amasy Beard!" His eye travelled around Amasa's figure. "Wouldn't a-knowed you, I swan, I wouldn't. Why, when I seen you last, Amasy, your stomach was havin' all it could do to git hold of your backbone." Cynthia laughed outright, and even Jethro sat up and smiled.

"Wal, he won't exactly what you ladies would call a beauty," answered the big man, grinning, "seein' that he'd let his whiskers an' ha'r grow long an' scraggly all over his face an' head; but you'd a-knowed him, if you'd a-seen him, by a peecoolyer scar over his left eye, shaped sumthin' like a hoss-shoe, with th' ends of th' shoe pointin' t'ord th' corners of th' eye."

She stopped with a catch in her throat, and added more slowly: "I suppose everything's different, now that Toby is gone." "He'd a-liked to a-seen you afore he cashed in," Jim answered; "but maybe it was just as well he didn't. You'd hardly a-knowed him toward the last, he got so thin an' peeked like. He wasn't the same after we lost you, nobody was, not even Bingo."

We ain't never made to ride in the same go-cart Good-by. That-all is wot I should ha' said. But I didn't. I walked right plum into the sloo, like the mudhead that I was, an' got mired for fair jes as I might a-knowed I would. "Well, Ryder gives us a address over across the bay an' we fair hykes over there all along o' as crool a rain as ever killed crops.

"Young man, you better thank your God you missed that bird," he said solemnly, "for if you'd killed him, I'd a-mauled this stick to ribbons on you, an' I'm most afraid I wouldn't a-knowed when to quit." He advanced a step in his eagerness, and the hunter, mistaking his motive, levelled his gun.

I didn't mean to see him, I didn't, truly." She hardly knew what she was saying. "What bargain?" demanded Douglas sternly. "She told me that you and her wasn't ever goin' ter see each other agin," roared Strong. "If I'd a-knowed she was goin' to keep on with this kind o' thing, you wouldn't er got off so easy." "So! That's it!" cried Douglas. It was all clear to him now.

She stopped a yard from her boy and made two or three admiring exclamations over his manly stature and general handsomeness, and Tom put an arm under his head and hoisted a leg over the sofa back in order to look properly indifferent. "My lan', how you is growed, honey! 'Clah to goodness, I wouldn't a-knowed you, Marse Tom! 'Deed I wouldn't! Look at me good; does you 'member old Roxy?

Samuel planed two boards and drove a nail. "We've got two schoolboys with us," said the keeper and the crew. "Ef I'd a-knowed that yew had more lives 'n my Maltese cat," Samuel was muttering over Abe by this time, "I'd " Count, count went Captain Darby's fingers.