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Th' sailor what keeps the gate said so an' was real decent. Said he'd heard o' Cap'n Beck, he had, an' if he'd a-come he'd a-knowed. Told me better call ag'in, might get there yet, an' I'll go," reported Nick, putting a cheerful tone into his words for pity of Glory's downcast face. "Didn't do a quarter th' hospitals they is, but he ain't in none them I have," said Billy. "But I'll tell ye.

"No, sir blind 'pity the pore blind'; three-parts blind, anyways, an' undergoin' treatment for it." "Nice sort of treatment!" "Eh? You don't understand. See'd us from the train, did 'ee? Which train?" "The 1.35 ex Millbay." "Wish I'd a-knowed you was watchin' us. I'd ha' waved my hat as you went by, or maybe blawed 'ee a kiss that bein' properer to the occasion, come to think."

At last in despair but quite certain that the Vicar at any rate was knocked out he gave up, exclaiming, "'E med 'ave it, 'e med 'ave it"; and the hammer fell. Horribly disgusted the malcontent fired a parting shot as he reached the door: "If I'd a-knowed the pairson was a goin' to 'ave it, I'd a made 'im pay a pretty penny more nor that."

'What! he said, so sharp and sudden, that it stopped the flow of words for a moment. 'What do you mean! Is the baby in bed up-stairs? What's the matter? It's not the scarlatina? Not' 'Bless you! she said, 'why I thought you'd a-knowed. It ain't the scarlatina; the baby was as well and bonnie as ever when she went.

Hit 'peared like her pra'r wuz heard; for in a minit, right out de same do', kyarin' Ham Fisher in his arms, come ole marster, wid his clo'es all blazin'. Dey flung water on 'im, an' put 'im out; an', ef you b'lieve me, yo' wouldn' a-knowed 'twuz ole marster.