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"Or-righ'. Want, want, lil' drop toddy?" "Got much? Pass it over." "Ain't got none. Only asked if you WANT a-a drop...." He moved away and from far down the street his dirge carried faintly: "There's whiskers on the pork We curl 'em with a fork ." In unhappy contract to Christmas. New Year proved to be a day of short rations, bully beef and a rehearsal of an attack in the snow.

"Oui, vraiment yei a-a ow morbleu!" "Eh, what's that? Oh, misere!" "Tare an' ages!"

Looking down he saw fifty stabbing pencils of flame flickering from fifty A-A guns. Every available piece of anti-aircraft artillery was turned upon the fleecy mass. As Tam circled he saw white specks rising swiftly from the direction of the aerodrome and knew that the fighting squadron, full of fury, was on its way up.

He was challenged half-heartedly by a solitary machine, he was banged at by A-A guns, but encountered nothing of that intensity of fire which met him on his earlier visit. And Lille was the Lille he knew: the three crooked boulevards, the jumble of small streets, and open space before the railway station.

"Why, yes, Ma'am, yes," said Mr. Smith: who, brightening up at this application, advanced towards us with an air of assumed importance, which, however, sat very uneasily upon him, and begged to know what he should explain first: "For I have attended," said he, "to all these paintings, and know every thing in them perfectly well; for I am rather fond of pictures, Ma'am; and, really, I must say, I think, a pretty pictures is a-a very-is really a very-is something very pretty-"

Lichonin! Look down upon mankind from above!" Jennie walked into the room, dishevelled, sleepy, in a night jacket on top of a white underskirt. "A-a!" she yawned, extending her hand to Lichonin. "How d'you do, my dear student! How does your Liubochka feel herself in the new place? Call me in as a guest some time. Or are you spending your honeymoon on the quiet? Without any outside witnesses?"

A double meaning there, by my faith! Alas! poor little Jim! go thy ways, die when thou wilt; for Maud Beaudesart comes "H a-a a-a-a-a-a y!" Rest, rest, perturbed spirit. By thy long grey beard and glittering eye, now wherefore stop'st thou me? For Maud Beaudesart comes o'er my memory as doth the raven o'er the infected house. Get thee to a nunnery, Jim. The chalk-mark is on my door; for Mrs.

It allus goes to me like this: 'Goes the day, Far away, With the light, And the night Comes along Comes along Comes along Like a-a so-o-ong." She here lifted her voice, a sweet, fresh, boyish contralto, in such an admirable imitation of the bugle that her brother, after the fashion of more select auditors, was for a moment quite convinced that the words meant something.

Forty-eight hours later he found the question of A-A gunnery a problem which was not susceptible to such cavalier treatment. He came back to the aerodrome this afternoon, shooting down from a great height in one steep run, and found the whole of the squadron waiting for him.

His massively suited arm was outstretched toward the control bar when the com-unit in all three helmets caught the same demand: "Identify!" The crisp order had enough snap to warn them that an answer was the best policy. "Shannon A-A of the Polestar," Rip gave the required information. "We claim E rights " But would they get them? Dane wondered. There was a click loud in his ears.