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In the one short word or phrase we are at present considering, it occurs twice. Thus A-a if the whole is a single word. A- a- if the whole is a phrase. That it was a phrase I was convinced, possibly because one clings to so neat a theory as the one which makes the shading, so marked a feature in all the specimens before us, the sign of division into words.

A-a friend of mine from New York, a Miss Merlow, Tiara Merlow, is in the city. I wish you to pay her a call with me to-morrow evening. May I make the engagement?" Earl dropped his head in meditation. His brain was exceedingly active. Beneath this apparently simple proposal of Ensal's lay hidden many possibilities.

Three Kerothi shot after the explosion that ruined the A-A drive, and before the fifty-gee acceleration." He looked at the sergeant. "What do you think happened?" "He got away," the tough-looking noncom said grimly. "Took the courier boat and scooted away from here." "Why did he set the timer on the drive, then? What was the purpose of that fifty-gee blast?" "To distract us, I'd say, sir.

The best two sources of information known to the writer by which this estimate may be checked are the receipts of the New York market and the annual "Value of Poultry and Eggs Sold," as given by the Kansas State Board of Agriculture. In plate I the top curve a-a gives the average spring price of Western first eggs in the New York market.

Twentyman to help me, and a judicious system of liberal tips to Tony Tuppett, I could make my way about on a quiet old nag, and live respected by my neighbours. The fact is I hate with my whole heart the trash of the philanimalist." "What is a-a I didn't quite catch the thing you hate?"

Massive flows have fallen in, exposing caverned depths of jagged outlines. Earthquakes have riven the mountain, splitting its sides and opening deep crevasses, which must be leapt or circumvented. Horrid streams of a-a have to be cautiously skirted, which after rushing remorselessly over the kindlier lava have heaped rugged pinnacles of brown scoriae into impassable walls.

Probably, many of these are the courses of fire torrents, whose jagged masses of a-a have since been worn smooth, and channelled into holes by the action of water. A few are crossed on narrow bridges, but the majority are forded, if that quiet conventional term can be applied to the violent flounderings by which the horses bring one through.

"'I often think," he faltered, "'and a-a tree-more th-thrills my bein' when I REcall your last words to me that last that last that " "'That last evening in the moonlight when you you you " "Penrod," Miss Spence said dangerously, "you go on, and stop that stammering." "'You you said you would wait for for years to to to to " "'To win me!" the miserable Penrod managed to gasp.

At half-past four we reached the edge of an a-a stream, about as wide as the Ouse at Huntingdon Bridge, and it was obvious that somehow or other we must cross it: indeed, I know not if it be possible to reach the crater without passing through one or another of these obstacles.

"A fish? A-a! O-o-o! Did she do that once, or a number of times?" "Only once." "And art thou certain, lord, that she outlined a fish? O-o?" "Yes," answered Vinicius, with roused curiosity. "Dost thou divine what that means?" "Do I divine!" exclaimed Chilo. And bowing in sign of farewell, he added: "May Fortune scatter on you both equally all gifts, worthy lords!"