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From this grove we travelled as before in single file over an immense expanse of lava of the kind called pahoehoe, or satin rock, to distinguish it from the a-a, or jagged, rugged, impassable rock. Savants all use these terms in the absence of any equally expressive in English. The pahoehoe extends in the Hilo direction from hence about twenty-three miles.

"But you must needs spy and watch over us all, because you are a-a " "Screw!" laughed Hippolyte. "Because you are a humbug, sir; and thought fit to worry people for half an hour, and tried to frighten them into believing that you would shoot yourself with your little empty pistol, pirouetting about and playing at suicide!

The black tumbled sea mocked the bright sunshine, all tossed, jagged, spiked, twirled, thrown heap on heap, broken, rifted, upheaved in great masses, burrowing in ravines of its own making, full of broken bubble caves, and torn by a-a streams.

People, you say? A-a " Suddenly he dealt Rybin a quick, sharp blow in the face. "You won't kill the truth with your fist!" shouted Rybin, drawing on him. "And you have no right to beat me, you dog!" "I won't dare, I suppose?" the police commissioner drawled. Again he waved his hand, aiming at Rybin's head; Rybin ducked; the blow missed, and the police commissioner almost toppled over.

"I I lost my baggage ... all I have with me is a-a r-razor." He leaned his head back and laughed joyously. His lambent brown eyes glowed with humour. I liked the man. "Yes, we'll give you a job Razorre!" he assured me, calling me by the nickname which clung to me during my stay.... "Take that axe and show me what you can do." I caught up the axe and fell to with enthusiasm.

"A-a-a..." said Crutch, wondering as he listened to Lipa. "A-a!... We-ell! "I am very fond of jam, Ilya Makaritch," said Lipa. "I sit down in my little corner and drink tea and eat jam. Or I drink it with Varvara Nikolaevna, and she tells some story full of feeling. We have a lot of jam four jars. 'Have some, Lipa; eat as much as you like." "A-a-a, four jars!" "They live very well.

Airplanes, British and German alike, fell flaming to the earth before the second in command of the enemy squadron signaled, "Retire." A mile away a battery of A-A guns waited, its commander's eyes glued to a telescope. "They're breaking off stand by! Range 4300 yards deflection There they go! Commence firing." A dozen batteries were waiting the signal.

There are no such things as ghosts." "It cer-certainly looks like a-a ghost!" faltered Cuffer. "It is a ghost!" said Tad, his teeth beginning to chatter. "I-I ca-can hear it gro-groan! Come on ba-ba-back!" And he began to retreat. "Back with you!" came in solemn tones. "Back with you!" "No white man must come here," said a second voice. "This is sacred ground!"

"What did he give you that for?" "Why, for lookin' down me nose and sayin A-a men. The rest's to follow to-morrow midnight five of 'em if I'm a good boy, as I 'opes to be. Goin' to drop into me lap same as manners from the ceilin' when Moses was around while I sleeps like a suckin' innocent." The young man thought. "Have you told Mr. Woodburn?" "No, sir. I told no one only you."

They glared for three minutes in silence and like statues, except that each tail-tip was twisting. The Yellow began again. "Yow-ow-ow!" in deep tone. "Ya-a-a a-a!" screamed the Black, with intent to strike terror by his yell; but he retreated one sixteenth of an inch. The Yellow walked up a long half-inch; their whiskers were mixing now; another advance, and their noses almost touched.