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And why all the fanfare? Suppose he did have a boat? Why would he attract our attention with that fifty-gee flare? Just so he could leave us a note?" "What do you think happened, sir?" the sergeant asked. "I don't think he had a boat. If he did, he'd want us to think he was dead, not the other way around.

Mashed up, but I'd say they died of radiation, since the shielding on one of the generators was ruptured by the blast that made that dent in the hull." "Nine bodies," the major said musingly. "All Kerothi. And all of them probably dead before the fifty-gee acceleration. Keep looking, sergeant. We've got to find the tenth man."

Three Kerothi shot after the explosion that ruined the A-A drive, and before the fifty-gee acceleration." He looked at the sergeant. "What do you think happened?" "He got away," the tough-looking noncom said grimly. "Took the courier boat and scooted away from here." "Why did he set the timer on the drive, then? What was the purpose of that fifty-gee blast?" "To distract us, I'd say, sir.

Captain Verenski's Oriental features had a half-startled, half-puzzled look. "I don't get it. You grabbed that mike control as if you'd been bitten. I know that she's only a derelict. After that burst of fifty-gee acceleration for fifteen minutes, there couldn't be anyone left alive on her. But there must have been a reason for using atomic rockets instead of their antiacceleration fields.