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There was the sharp note of a warning gong, the flash of red light on the control board. They were off automatic, from here on in it was all Kip's work. Dane strapped down at the silent com-unit and was startled a moment later when it spat words at him, translated from space code. "Identify identify I-S E-Stat calling spacer identify "

He had a dozen containers lined up when the welcome signal reached him by the com-unit of his field helmet. To transfer the cylinders to the lock, get out, and then open the outer door, did not take long. But as he waited he still listened for a sound which did not come the notice, that someone besides himself was free to move about the Stat.

Instead he pushed back a panel and they were looking into com-unit room where another man in the tunic of the I-S lounged on what was by law twenty-four hour duty, divided into three watches. "These F-Ts want to flash a voucher request through," their guide informed the tech. The other, interested, gave them a searching once-over before he pushed a small scriber toward Rip.

They strapped down at zero hour and blasted out of the weird green wilderness they had not dared to explore, lifting into the arch of the sky, depending upon Rip's knowledge to put them safely down again. Dane once more rode out the take-off at the com-unit, waiting for the blast of radiation born static to fade so that he could catch any broadcast. " turned back last night.

The foliage which grew in riotous profusion was green right enough, and Terra green into the bargain there was no mistaking that. But Dane caught at the edge of Com-unit for support. But What was that liver-red blossom which had just reached out to engulf a small flying thing? Feverishly he tried to remember the little natural history he knew.

Ali was at the com-unit, trying to pick up Solarian news reports. When the red alert flashed on throughout the ship it brought the others hurrying to the control cabin. The code squeaks were magnified as Ali switched on the receiver full strength, to be translated as he pressed a second button. "Repeat, repeat, repeat.

This effect of dreary waste might well discourage exploration. Now the blink of the counter was deliberate, with whole seconds of pause between the flashes. Cooling off ? It was getting cold fast! He wished that he had a com-unit. Because of the interference in the Burn he had left it behind but with one he might be able now to locate some settlement.

But," Ali arose from his place at the com-unit. "I'd suggest a real search of first Frank's and then Karl's quarters. A regular turn out down to the bare walls of their cabins. Are you with me?" "Fly boy, we're ahead of you!" Rip contributed, already at the door panel. "Down to the bare walls it is."

When is it due?" "Not until after we take off on the long orbit if you leave us like this. On the other hand," the other added coolly, "I don't see how you can do otherwise. We've still got those " with his chin he pointed to the com-unit. "After a few alterations," Rip amended. The bulk of the com was in a tightly sealed case which they would need a flamer to open.

They don't get any worse, they have no rise in temperature it's as if they are in a modified form of cold sleep!" "How is Tang?" Rip asked from the corridor. "Usual pattern," Ali answered, "He's sleeping. Got a pain, Fella?" Rip shook his head. "Right as a Com-unit. I don't get it. Why does it strike Tang who didn't even hit dirt much and yet you keep on ?" Dane grimaced.