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"All that concerns you is to let both those men know where you stand Zenas Henry first, 'cause he's been like a father to Delight; an' Mr. Galbraith afterwards, 'cause " he hesitated for the fraction of a second, "'cause the Galbraiths are the girl's nearest of kin an' legally, I s'pose, have a right " "Yes," interrupted Robert Morton hastily.

He and Jan Eldridge have been tinkerin' with the pump since early mornin'. They've had it apart a hundred times, I guess, an' like as not they're round there now pullin' it to pieces for the hundred-an'-oneth." Zenas Henry grinned. "That's a queer to-do," he remarked. "What's got all the pumps? Bewitched, I reckon.

Trueman was as good as a surgeon at dressing wounds and the like, and he had enough of it to do, besides his preaching and praying, and writing letters for the men. I got a scratch myself, but I thought I'd try and write to you. But I have to sit on the ground and write on a drum head, and its kind of tiresome. "No more at present from your loving brother, "Zenas.

All the older mice ran out with their white aprons full of patchwork squares, thimbles and spools of thread. "Fetch my bottle of creoline and some warm water, Silvy," ordered Dr. Whiskers. "Now, Zenas, when Tiny's tail was cut, Limpy-toes cured it with water. I don't recollect whether it was hot or cold water, but I'm positive it was just plain water," said Granny.

"I shouldn't call bobbin' up an' down in one spot fur two mortal hours lingerin'. I'd call it nearer bein' hypnotized." Zenas Henry was now plainly out of temper. He was well aware that Wilton had scant sympathy with his motor-boat, the first innovation of the sort that had been perpetrated in the town. "Hadn't you better turn your attention from motor-boats to pumps?" he asked testily.

You promised me that we should all go home safe and sound, and there lay those precious twinnies, all bandages and plasters. Ah, dearie me! What will happen next? Poor Debbie's house was burned; Wink and Wiggle are all smashed up. Zenas Whiskers, I say we must pack up and go home tomorrow."

Them as love you shall stay by, I give you my word on it." "Hadn't I better go home to-night and tell them?" The old inventor considered a moment. "I don't believe I would," he answered at last. "They ain't expectin' you, an' if you was to go lookin' so white an' frightened as you do now, 'twould anger Zenas Henry an' upset 'em all. Wait an' see what happens to-morrow. 'Twill be time enough then.

Your own wise and shrewd discrimination has led you to accept him at his face value and your estimate of him has not been a mistaken one. I do not think there is a young man in the world of greater sterling worth than the one your daughter has chosen for a husband." At the firm emphasis on the word daughter, Zenas Henry's jaw relaxed.

"Father," said Zenas, with enthusiasm, "It can be done, and must be done, and I must help do it. I claim a place in the forlorn hope. I'd like to be the first man in." The old man winced a little at the awful contingency of death and danger for his soldier boy, so close at hand; and Kate gazed at him, with tears of sympathy filling her eyes and the blood mantling her cheek.

Major Zenas Priest was for fifty years a division superintendent. It was a delightful experience to go with him over his division. He knew everybody along the line, was general confidant in their family troubles and arbiter in neighborhood disputes. He knew personally every employee and his characteristics and domestic situation.