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"Look 'ere, boys," he said, "this yere's all a pack of foolishness, ye know all a pack of foolishness. There aint no sense in it it's jest foolishness." Rebecca cast a quick glance at the girl Lodusky. She leaned against the wall just as she had done before; she was as cool as ever, though the spark which hinted at exultation still shone steadily in her eye.

"Yere's how it is the time when Faro Nell, her heart bleedin' for the sufferin's of dumb an' he'pless brutes, employs Dan Boggs in errants of mercy an' Dan's efforts to do good gets ill-advised. Not that Dan is easily brought so he regyards his play as erroneous; Enright has to rebooke Dan outright in set terms an' assoome airs of severity before ever Dan allows he entertains a doubt.

Without looking, he drew his revolver and threw it to the dentist. "Take the gun an' look around, pardner. If you see any son of a gun ANYWHERE, PLUG him. This yere's OUR claim. I guess we got it THIS tide, pardner. Come on." He gathered up the chunks of quartz he had broken out, and put them in his hat and started towards their camp.

"'This yere's a black-tail, which is different; says Lyin' Jim; 'it's exactly them front laigs you talks of so lightly I'm 'fraid of. "`The buck he stands thar sorter dazed an' battin' of his eyes. I ain't no time to go back for my Sharp's, an' my six-shooter is left in camp. Right near is a high rock with a steep face about fifteen feet straight up an' down.

Now yere's an offer, an' you can have either end. You-all can get a hoss an' a hundred dollars of me, an' pull your freight; or you can fix yourse'f with a gun an' have a mighty stirrin' an' eventful time with me right yere. As an outcome of the last, the public will have one of us to plant, an' mebby a vacancy to fill in the post of kettle-tender. Which is it, an' what do you say?

"Judd, he's the foreman of the Lazy D." Below them appeared the corrals and houses of a ranch nestling in a little valley flanked by hills. "This yere's the Lazy D," announced the youth, with pride, and in the spirit of friendliness suggested a caution. "Judd, he's some peppery. You wanter smooth him down some, seeing as he's riled up to-day." A flicker of steel came into the blue eyes. "Indeed!

"'The same bein' musical an' expressive, says Doc Peets, as we all lines up ag'in the Red Light bar, 'I su'gests we baptize this lady "Benson Annie," an' yere's to her success. "So we-alls turns up our glasses, an' Benson Annie it is. "The next day the fetid Lung is a thing of the past, an' Benson Annie has the game to herse'f.

Again the cowboy became serious and confessed: "Nope; I've officiated at several plain killin's, an' been chief usher at a lynchin', but this yere's my first weddin', an' I'm goin' to turn loose some and enjoy it." Sage-brush grinned in anticipation of the good times that he knew lay in store for him at the dance.

"'Dave may be boisterous later, says Peets, an' his reply comes slow an' thoughtful, like he's considerin'; 'he may make a joyful uproar, but he won't wax dangerous. This yere's as far as Peets'll go; he declines to talk longer, on professional grounds. "'Which suspense, this a-way, says Boggs, after Peets is gone, 'an' us no wiser than when he shows in the door, makes me desp'rate.

"'Yere's my kyard, says the shorthorn, an' he beams on Dave in a wide an' balmy way. "'Archibald Willingham De Graffenreid Butt, says Dave, readin' off the kyard. Then Dave goes up to the side, an' all solemn an' grave, pins the kyard to the board with his bowie-knife. 'Archibald Willingham De Graffenreid Butt, an' Dave repeats the words plumb careful.