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But when he went out for a man deliberate, he didn't take no special chances.... "'The point is that these yere bad men are a low-down, miserable proposition, and plain, cold-blooded murderers, willin' to wait for a sure thing, and without no compunctions whatever.

The only diff'rence betwix' them an' the Baptis' is that they are willin' to jine in with any other rigiment, provided allers that you let them 'pint the sappers an' miners an' blaze out the way. Good fellers, tho', an' learned me lots. They beats the worl' for standin' up for each other an' votin' allers for fust place.

And I shouldn't be surprised any day to see her snatched away by some widower or bachelder of proper age. She would be willin', so it is spozed. Wall, Sister Henn kinder relented at the last, and brung two pairs of fowls, all picked, and tied up by their legs. And we thought it wuz kinder funny and providential that one Henn should bring four more of'em.

"You're Mr. Duncan, ain't you?" he asked with his leer, moving down to meet Nat. "Yes, sir. Mr. Lockwood, I believe?" "That's me." Blinky clutched his hand in a genial claw. "I'm glad to meet you." "Thank you," said Duncan. "Something I can do for you, sir?" "Wal, Pete Willin' was tellin' me you'd just took up this note of Graham's?" "Not exactly; the firm took it up."

He walked over to Rex, regarding him intently. "Do you believe," said a low, faltering voice beside him, "that that Baldy could lead? Him and Kid took us safe over the Golden Gate Divide in that terrible blizzard, an' mebbe he learnt somethin' about leadin' from Kid that night. He's mighty willin' an' strong, an' " "True, Ben; that idea had just come to me, too.

"So, your honor, considherin' everything, we're willin' to offer thirty shillin's an acre for the farm. That rint, sir, we'll be able to pay, wid the help o' God, for sure we can do nothin' widout his assistance, glory be to his name!

"Ain't willin' ter give the young feller a chance't at all, heh?" said Mr. Day, puffing hard at his pipe. "Wall! we'll see abeout that." "We'd never have a better teacher, I tell 'em," Walky flung back over his shoulder. "But Mr. Haley's drawin' a good salary and there's them that think it oughter go ter somebody that belongs here in Polktown, not to an outsider like him."

I'm mighty strong fo' the Union myself, but a lot of them officers that came down from the no'th 'pear to tu'n into pow'ful fools when they git away from home, knowin' nothin' 'bout the country, an' not willin' to lea'n. Always walkin' into traps. I guess they've nevah missed a single trap the rebels have planted.

"Well, I haven't said nuthin' to you before, 'cause I knowed it would only hurt you ef I wuz to let my feelin's loose about them thievin' rapscallions that dared to lay their cheatin' hands on the money the Gin'rel left ye; but I've been a thinkin' stiddy an' while you wuz comin' to your decision above I wuz comin' to mine below, an' now we'll toss 'em up fer luck, an' see which wins, ef you air willin'."

Abram grinned sheepishly. "I'm willin' to call it the bird if you are, Maria. I've been hearin' him from the barn all day, an' there's somethin' kind o' human in his notes 'at takes me jest a little diffrunt from any other bird I ever noticed. I'm really curious to set eyes on him. Seemed to me from his singin' out to the barn, it 'ud be mighty near like meetin' folks." "Bosh!" exclaimed Maria.