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He was an Uncle to Sammie and Susie Littletail, the rabbit children, and also to Billie and Johnnie Bushytail, the squirrel boys, and to Alice and Lulu and Jimmie Wibblewobble, the duck children, and I have written for you, books about all those characters.

They are for Lulu, Alice and Jimmie Wibblewobble, the ducks, but there are enough to let you have one." "Why, you are a regular pie-man yourself; aren't you?" laughed Simple Simon, as he ate one of Nurse Jane's nice jam tarts. "Well, you might call me that," said the bunny uncle. "Though I s'pose a tart-man would be nearer right." "But there's something else," went on Simple Simon.

"I think I'll rest here a bit, and perhaps an adventure may come along." You see Buddy was very fond of adventures, which means having something happen to you. He was almost as much that way as Alice Wibblewobble, the little duck girl, was fond of romantic things that is she liked fairies, and princes, and kings, and knights with golden swords, and all oddities like that.

"With some of your cones Nurse Jane started her kitchen fire when all the wood was wet. With others I built a little play house, and amused Lulu Wibblewobble, the duck girl, when she had the toothache. And other cones I threw at a big bear that was chasing me. I hit him on the nose with them, and he was glad enough to run away. So you see how useful you are, pine tree!"

Then all at once, as quick as you can scratch your chin, what should come walking down to the pond but the dearest, nicest little ducklings you ever saw. They all said, "Quack! quack!" which, as you knew, meant that they were thinking, and Sammie and Susie did not want to disturb them. "This is my family," announced Mrs. Wibblewobble.

Wibblewobble knew this, and many times had told their children to keep away. But, you see, Jimmie forgot, or else didn't want to remember, so he called to his sisters, telling them to see how near they could go. "I'll not," spoke Alice. "And you hadn't better either, Jimmie. You know what mamma said." "Oh, well, the water's low now," replied Jimmie. "I don't believe there's any danger.

Now, if you promise not to whisper in school next week you shall hear to-morrow night how Jimmie tried to become a flying machine. One day, I think it must have been about three-and-a-half-quacks past cornmeal time, there was a great commotion in the yard, and around the pond where Jimmie Wibblewobble and his two sisters and his papa and mamma lived.

We are at her house for our vacation, and to-day we started to go to the woods to have a good time, but we took the wrong path and we are lost, and I have a big sliver in my foot." "Yes, and I stepped on a stone, and have a big bruise," whimpered Jimmie. "And I've cut both feet on a piece of glass," cried Lulu Wibblewobble, "and Oh, we are all so miserable!"

That story about Jimmie will do for another time. Well, you should have seen the numbers and numbers of duck-bonnets that Mrs. Wibblewobble looked at before she was satisfied with two for the girls. Not that Alice and Lulu were hard to please. Oh, my, no! But their mamma wanted them to look just right, and you know it is quite difficult to fit a bonnet on a duck and make it look like anything.

And when that man blew the loud blast, the pony was frightened, and ran away with Jimmie on his back. Faster and faster ran the pony, and Jimmie Wibblewobble clung to his back, fearing every moment he would be thrown off.