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When Bawly bounced up out of the water to catch his breath, which nearly ran away from him down to the five-and-ten-cent-storewhen Bawly bounced up, I say, who should he see but Lulu Wibblewobble, the duck girl, swimming around on the pond. “Hello, Lulu!” called Bawly. “Hello!” answered Lulu. “Come on, Bawly, let’s see who can throw a stone the farthest; you or I.”

When she opened the door there stood Jimmie Wibblewobble, the boy duck. "Why where are you going so early this morning, Jimmie?" asked Uncle Wiggily. "I'm going to school," answered the Wibblewobble chap, who was named that because his tail did wibble and wobble from side to side when he walked. "Aren't you a bit early?" asked Mr. Longears. "I came early to get you," said Jimmie.

Wibblewobble, in a pen, not far from the rabbit burrow. They had a brother named Jimmie, but it wasn't his birthday, for he was a day older than his sisters, who were twins. That is their birthdays came at the same time. Some day I'm going to tell you a lot of stories about these same ducks. "May we go to the party, mamma?" asked Susie.

Now, of course, I could make this about the fairy prince in fact, he has something to do with this story but as the gold fish has more, I put her name at the top. Lulu Wibblewobble, the little duck girl, who could throw stones almost as straight as a boy, was swimming around the pond near the pen where she lived.

Greenie gave the Wibblewobble children some nice snails, which they liked very much, and then they went on swimming around. Jimmie was looking for Bully, but the little boy frog had hopped off to see his cousin. Now, in a few minutes Jimmie is going to have an adventure, and, if you please, I want you to listen very carefully, so as not to miss it.

Littletail, the rabbit lady, wrapped the pot of the little rubber plant, with its thick, shiny green leaves, in a piece of paper, and Uncle Wiggily, tucking it under one paw, while with the other he leaned on his crutch, started off over the fields and through the woods, with the jam tarts in his pocket. Over toward the home of the Wibblewobble duck family he hopped. Mr.

Of course, Lulu wondered how the tiny creature got into the meal box, and she wondered if she might tell Alice and Jimmie about having seen her, but she decided she had better not. Now it was about a week after Lulu had taken Grandfather Goosey-Gander the hot tea and the cold potatoes, that something happened to Jimmie Wibblewobble.

Now wasn't that a funny thing for a duck mamma to say to her little duck girl? But Mamma Wibblewobble was absent minded, so we must excuse her. You see she thought Lulu wanted to go for a walk in the woods. Well, it didn't much matter, but I thought I would speak about it. "Can we go?" asked Jimmie, when Lulu came back. "Yes," she answered.

Well, pretty soon it stopped raining and Alice went home with the bonnet the cow gave her, and Mamma Wibblewobble said it was even better than the one she had bought. Now, wasn't that rather odd? I thought so, myself.