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So away we pulled, the tide being now nearly on the turn, and presently we were so near the opening that we could see the signal lights in the rigging of the sloop of war. All was quiet on the dike. "Thank God, they have retreated after all," said Mr Treenail. "Whoo o, whoo o," shouted a gruff voice from the shore. "There they are still," said Splinter.

He was the robin whose chief shouting-place was the hawthorn bush in the lane. John and Elizabeth had so named him because he always made such a noise, leaping about and calling "Hi, Hi! Whee! Whoo Hoo!" in a most rowdy manner indeed.

"Look hyah, Koku," he went on when he got to the kitchen. "Quit stuffin' dat 'ar pie an' go out an' see ef Massa Tom all right. He ought t' have bin in de house long sence. I'se skeered mebbe some villains mought've cotched him!" "Whoo!" growled the giant, jumping up so quickly that his big, specially-built chair crashed over. "Where um war-club? Me fixum!"

" Oh, Marjory, thank God, thank God-" Peter Tounley made a dramatic entrance on the gallop. He stopped, petrified. "Whoo!" he cried. "My stars! " He turned and fled. But Coleman called after him in a low voice, intense with agitation. " Come back here, you young scoundrel! Come baok here I " Peter returned, looking very sheepish. " I hadn't the slightest idea you-" " Never mind that now.

The hasty preparations for it: all hands to shorten sail; then the moaning of the wind high up in the sky. All hands to reef sail now the whirl and whoo of the gale as it came down on them. The ship careening as it caught her, the speaking-trumpet the captain howling his orders through it amid the tumult. The floating icebergs the ship among them, picking her way in and out a hundred deaths.

At the conclusion, for instance, of the first stanza of Christabel, he would perhaps comment at full length upon such a line as 'Tu whit! Tu whoo! that we might not fall into the mistake of supposing originality to be its sole merit."

Ib. p. 118. But their Saints, who would stop their ears if you should mention with admiration the name of a Garrick or a Siddons; who think it a sin to support such an 'infamous profession' as that through the medium of which a Milton, a Johnson, an Addison, and a Young have laboured to mend the heart, &c. Whoo! See Milton's Preface to the Samson Agonistes. Ib. p. 133.

"Whoo! whoo!" was the signal of distress, and I could almost hear the pulse of my own blood-vessels. Closer and closer the struggle came, and still the women appeared to grow more and more calm. At last a tremendous charge by the Sioux put the enemy to flight; there was a burst of yelling; alas! my friend and teacher, old Smoky Day, was silent.

Why were they calling that dog "Cookshop"? Because he was pretty sure to go there in the end. By this time they had ploughed over some quarter of a mile of the hillside, fighting their way among the carriages that stood six deep along the rails and through a seething mass of ruffianism, in a stifling atmosphere polluted by the smell of ale and the reeking breath of tipsy people. "Whoo!

The young men all go to the Bareauds', but they'll come here now, and we'll have the Bareauds along with 'em. I've been away a long time, just finished unpacking yesterday night when your father came in after the fire Whoo! what a state he was in with that devilish temper of his! Didn't I snap him up when he asked me to come and stay with you? Ha, ha!