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Oh, for the love of Heaven, ask them to stop." The boatman was angry at the little regard paid to his summons, and called out again; repeating the message with the name of the young woman who sent it, and interlarding it with sailors' oaths. The ship flew along away the boat struggled after. They could see the captain take his speaking-trumpet. And oh! and alas! they heard his words.

Then Master Bob hove into view in the main-rigging once more, still with the precious speaking-trumpet in his hand, and the guarda-costa was sternly ordered to surrender as I afterwards learned, we being at the moment rather too far astern to hear what passed, which she forthwith did.

But then, there was that terrible word "but." Looked at in certain lights, what could be more crushing or heart-breaking than that? And then again, Mary Phillips may not have understood what I said to her through the speaking-trumpet.

Captain Ball then himself took the speaking-trumpet, which the fury of the wind and waves rendered necessary, and with great solemnity and without the least disturbance of temper, called out in reply, "I feel confident that I can bring you in safe; I therefore must not, and, by the help of Almighty God, I will not leave you!"

"I'll go and hail my skipper," said Shirley, "if you'll let me have a speaking-trumpet." "No," said the other, "I don't want you to do that. I don't mind tellin' you that I don't trust you. I've got very heavy responsibility on me, and I don't know who you are no more than if you was a porpoise come a-bouncin' up out of the sea.

He was a Kentuckian, very competent, ordinarily very good-tempered; but there was red in his hair. When he got sufficiently near he tucked the speaking-trumpet under his arm, where it looked uncommonly like a fat cotton umbrella, himself suggesting a farmer inspecting an intended purchase, and in this posture delivered to us a stump speech on our shortcomings.

"Well," said Josey, "let us go home as fast as we can, and tell uncle." "No," said Jonas, "that won't do." Jonas turned in the direction from which the sound appeared to come, and, putting his hands up to his mouth in the shape of a speaking-trumpet, he called out, as loud as he could call, "Hal loo!" He listened after he had thus called, but there was no answer.

For in some time of tempest off Cape Horn or Hatteras Mad Jack must have entered the world such things have been not with a silver spoon, but with a speaking-trumpet in his mouth; wrapped up in a caul, as in a main-sail for a charmed life against shipwrecks he bears and crying, Luff! luff, you may! steady! port! World ho! here I am! Mad Jack is in his saddle on the sea.

He sprang on deck and waved a handkerchief wildly, apparently shouting with all his power, though his voice could not be heard amidst the roaring of the sea and the lashing of the ropes as the ship was luffed up close to the wind. Captain Davenport seized his speaking-trumpet and shouted, "We will keep by you! Do not fear!" Just then another head was seen.

Succour came none too soon, as in less than an hour the brig's mainmast went by the board. She cocked her stern up and went down head first. The smack reached close across the stern of the Blake, and the shipwrecked crew exchanged salutes with her. Her speaking-trumpet was used in trying to communicate that she was making a lot of water and to report having spoken her.