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Updated: August 27, 2024

His blank verse in the English Garden has not the majesty of Akenside, the sweetness of Dyer, or the terseness of Armstrong. Its characteristic is delicacy; but it is a delicacy approaching nearer to weakness than to grace. It has more resemblance to the rill that trickles over its fretted channel, than to the stream that winds with a full tide, and "warbles as it flows."

He sits somewhat apart, usually on a dead hemlock, and warbles most exquisitely. He is one of our finest songsters, and stands at the head of the finches, as the hermit at the head of the thrushes. His song approaches an ecstasy, and, with the exception of the winter wren's, is the most rapid and copious strain to be heard in these woods.

Pendennis likes," says Rosey, with her candid bright eyes and she goes to the piano and warbles "Batti, Batti," with her sweet fresh artless voice. More caresses follow. Mamma is in a rapture. How pretty they look the mother and daughter two lilies twining together! Pendennis's mind. How delighted the ladies are with the proposal! Mrs. Mackenzie claps her pretty hands, and kisses Rosey again.

The spirited slave walks off and the obedient slave falls into a swoon. A member of the orchestra gets up and softly warbles on a bass drum. Angels are heard singing in the distance. Curtain falls, the audience being soaking wet with tears. Act 2, scene first, discloses the house of Mr. Lyons, a slaveholder in Virginia. Mr. Lyons, as we learn by the play, is "a member of the Whig Congress."

"Here the wren of softest note Builds its nest and warbles well, Here the blackbird strains his throat Welcome, welcome to our cell."

No oral observations, but the next day an antique Florentine chest, carved by Dante, replaced the box. "Just as utile," Bill remarked, "and a lot more expensive. Kiss me." That is the way the Petticoats of this world decree, and that is the way the Warbles submit. That Thursday afternoon she was in love with her husband. She toddled into his room to talk to him.

Our northern visitors of the bird world slip quietly away. There is no great gathering of clans like that of the tree swallows in the fall, but silently, one by one, they depart, following the last moan of the north wind, covering winter's disordered retreat with warbles and songs.

Here no harsher sound is heard than the wild cooings of the gentle dove, the gay thresher's animated warbles, and the soft murmurs of the passing brook. Really, Theo., it is charming. I should have told you that I am speaking of Fort Johnson, where I have spent a day. From this amiable bower you ascend a gentle declivity, by a winding path, to a cluster of lofty oaks and locusts.

None of the older men read." "Did you commune with yourself, or don't you hold with that?" "Oh Lord, don't ask me!" "You distress me. You rob the Pastoral of its lingering romance. Is there no poetry and no thought in England? Is there no one, in all these downs, who warbles with eager thought the Doric lay?" "Chaps sing to themselves at times, if you mean that." "I dream of Arcady.

Most people maintain that one dreams at night of that which one has thought much about. According to this, Otto must have thought a deal about the North Sea, for of it he dreamed the whole night, not of the young ladies. "The heat-lark warbles forth his sepulchral melodies."

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