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"What did you say?" sharply and haughtily returned Lady Isabel. "Nay, I did not mean to offend you," was the answer, for he knew that she heard his words distinctly in spite of her question. "I spoke of Monsieur votre mari." In talking over a bygone misfortune, we sometimes make the remark, or hear it made to us, "Circumstances worked against it."

Comment avez-vous pu mettre dans votre esprit qu'appuyes de nos propres forces, nous eussions presume de penser a un si glorieux dessein? Si Dieu n'est point dans l'affaire de Montreal, si c'est une invention humaine, ne vous en mettez point en peine, elle ne durera guere.

She danced one English country dance with M. de Crillon, son of the Gibraltar Duke: when she stood up, a gentleman came to me and exclaimed, "Ah, Mademoiselle votre soeur va danser, nous attendons le moment ou elle va paraitre." She appeared extremely well from not being anxious to appear at all.

I then perceived that I had permitted my winnings to accumulate upon the board, and that in the very deal then commencing, I had a stake of nearly five hundred pounds upon the deal. "Faites votre jeu, le jeu est fait," said the croupier, "trente deux." "You have lost, by Jove," said Guy, in a low whisper, in which I could detect some trait of agitation. "Trente et une," added the croupier.

You shall have a faithful account, I leave town at six this evening. All good angels attend thee. The children speak their love. Theodosia has written to you, and is anxious lest I should omit sending it. Toujours la votre, Albany, August, 1786.

"But now, do you know, it was only because I just said that I was going out with Lord George that Mr. Mountague made all this rout." "Den let him make his rout; qu'importe? Miladi votre chere mere make no objections. Quelle impertinence! If he was milord duc he could not give himself no more airs. Va, man enfant Dis a lover!

He took the money back and brought the pearls home again, and he has written 'SOYEZ DE VOTRE SIECLE' in great large letters, and has pasted it on all our three bed-room doors, inside. And he has been all these years quietly cutting up the Morning Advertiser, and arranging the slips with wonderful skill and method.

She hoped he would go away directly; but he went to her mother's boudoir, and remained an hour with her. As he was leaving the house he said to Liza, "Votre mère vous appelle: Adieu

Mon cher Monsieur Reeve, J'ai recu votre lettre du 4 septembre a mon retour de Frohsdorf, mais j'ai eu tant a faire depuis lors que je n'ai pas, jusqu'a ce jour, trouve un instant pour vous remercier de la preuve d'amitie et de sympathie que vous m'avez donnee dans ces circonstances si graves pour moi.

Of course, whilst drinking with Jack Frenchman, you have your piece handy to blow his brains out if he makes a hostile move: but, meanwhile, it is A votre sante, mon camarade! Here's to you, mounseer! and everything is as pleasant as possible. Regarding Aunt Bernstein's threatened gout? The twinges had gone off. Maria was so glad! Maria's fainting fits? She had no return of them.