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When we 'vites people, we always feed 'em; 'sides, they're the only ones'll let me put them in my pocket," which is perfectly true, for having learned this warm abiding-place of much oats and cracked corn, they follow her in a flock, and a few confiding spirits allow themselves to be handled. At the birthday dinner party, arranged by the Infant, a number of these guests were present.

A dull, ominous roaring sound reached even to our ears down in the depths of the ship. "We are among the breakers!" I sung out, jumping from my seat; and scarcely were the words out of my mouth when a cry was heard from above, and words of compassion reached our ears. "Pauvres Anglais! pauvres Anglais! Montez bien vites; nous sommes tous perdus!"

The canon, returning to the interrupted theme of the pyros which were to be grafted and the vites which were to be trimmed, said: "I am already aware that Senor Don Jose is a great agriculturist." "Not at all; I know nothing whatever about the subject," responded the young man, observing with no little annoyance the canon's mania of supposing him to be learned in all the sciences.

N.D. 2, 120 vites sic claviculis. ARS AGRICOLARUM: agricolae arte freti, a strong instance of the abstract put for the concrete. EIS: sc. sarmentis, those which have not been pruned away by the knife. EXSISTIT: 'springs up'. Exsistere in good Latin never has the meaning of our 'exist', i.e.

Had Macgillivray but known that the "Oo-boo-boo" was the parent of all the many species, and that it belongs to the discreetly valorous class that "vites" and flies away, and lives to "vite" another day, he might have achieved renown of a more popular kind than is the reward of the unromantic naturalist who discovers merely a superior spider.

You know that the roots can grow only by means of the leaves, so that if you take the leaves from a tree " "Ah, Senor Don Jose," cried the Penitentiary, with a frank laugh, approaching the two young people and bowing to them, "are you giving lessons in horticulture? Insere nunc Meliboee piros; pone ordine vites, as the great singer of the labors of the field said.

"I believe you." And, while she was undressing, the lines surged to her lips, and she whispered them: "Moi, j'ai blessé quelqu'un? fis-je tout étonnée Oui, dit-elle, blessé; mais blessé tout de bon; Et c'est l'homme qu'hier vous vîtes au balcon Las! qui pourrait, lui dis-je, en avoir été cause? Sur lui, sans y penser, fis-je choir quelque chose?" "You see, I have not grown thin."

Jacotot every now and then stopped pumping or baling, or whatever he was about, and pulled his hair, and made a hideous face, scolded Auguste, telling him to depechez vites, and then set to work himself harder than ever. The English seamen worked away without saying a word beyond what was absolutely necessary. Jack Nobs behaved very well, but cried in sympathy when Auguste was scolded.

He began to wonder what, after all, poor Gilfoyle had experienced from this hard-hearted little beauty. He saw that he was almost forgotten already. He thought, "How fast they go, the dead!" That same Villon had said it centuries before: "Les morts vont vites." The Thropps settled down to a comfortable discussion of future plans. One ledger had been finished. They would open a new one.