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Updated: September 4, 2024

Macgillivray, its discoverer, whose researches have been productive of so much new and valuable contributions to all departments of zoological science. I have named the species M. pelagica. Tab. 3 fig. 8. a, b, c, d. New Genus CHELETROPIS, Forbes.

I was content to let 'Cherry Ripe' be the one song linked with her in my memory. It was Macgillivray who brought us back to business. 'You can't do nothing with his mind, Blenkiron drawled. 'You can't loose the bands of Orion, as the Bible says, or hold Leviathan with a hook. I reckoned I could and made a mighty close study of his de-vices. But the darned cuss wouldn't stay put.

Head, thorax, and base of abdomen black, rest of abdomen of a king's yellow colour. Mr. Macgillivray took two specimens of this fine species. One flew on board when the ship was to the north of Cape Weymouth; the other was taken at Cape York: the figure is of the natural size. Cocytia durvillii, Boisd. Monog. des Zygenides, t. 1, fig. 1. It flies heavily like a moth, and is easily caught.

We've got to find that out, and I think I've made a beginning. Macgillivray in a sharp voice asked my meaning. 'He's in a funk ... of something. Oh, I don't mean he's a coward. A man in his trade wants the nerve of a buffalo. He could give us all points in courage. What I mean is that he's not clean white all through.

I was a private soldier in a borrowed uniform, and he could easily turn the story against me. I must use surer weapons. I must get to Bullivant and Macgillivray and set their big machine to work. Above all I must get to Blenkiron. I started to squeeze out of that push, for air raids now seemed far too trivial to give a thought to.

Accordingly, taking his station at one of the crevices, and calling upon his brother three several times by name, as use is, he uttered the most moving pieces of elocution he could think of, imploring him, as he valued his poor parents' life and blessing, to come forth and go home with him, Donald Macgillivray, his thrice affectionate and unhappy brother.

A partial exception, however, is offered by the young of certain woodpeckers, for they have "the whole upper part of the head tinged with red," which afterwards either decreases into a mere circular red line in the adults of both sexes, or quite disappears in the adult females. Audubon, 'Ornith. Biography, vol. i. p. 193. Macgillivray, 'History of British Birds, vol. iii. p. 85.

When I think of this lecture, I do not wonder that I determined never to attend to Geology. From attending 's lectures, I became acquainted with the curator of the museum, Mr. Macgillivray, who afterwards published a large and excellent book on the birds of Scotland. I had much interesting natural-history talk with him, and he was very kind to me.

First I wrote "Zosime MacGillivray," in several different styles of chirography, flourished and plain, and even in old text. Then I sketched out a rough design for an ornamental heading, with a wreath of flowers encircling the words "To Zozzy," and beneath this work of Art I inscribed the effort of my muse, which ran thus:

'Your flat, which probably you no longer wish to occupy, is waiting for you, and your man is still there. As you were never publicly accused, we considered that there was no need of a public exculpation. But on that, of course, you must please yourself. 'We may want your assistance later on, MacGillivray, Sir Walter said as we left. Then he turned me loose. 'Come and see me tomorrow, Hannay.

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