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He took off his shako and ran his hand through his mop of red hair. "'Tis aither th' luck of th' Irish, me lad, or of th' Scotch. Oi don't ken which Oi'm haff each but mostly 'tis th' virtoo av me bonny red hair." "Why?" "Because, leastways, in th' Thomahlia, there's always a dhrop av royalty in th' red-headed. Me bonnie top-knot has made me a fortune.

It's what I may call, in the language of the haristocracy, a harticle of virtoo, w'ich means that it's a harticle as is surrounded by virtuous memories in connection with the defunct. Now then, say five bob for the hold harm-chair!" While the clown was endeavouring to get the chair disposed of, Willie pushed his way to the side of Jim Cattley.

"If it's in your breeches pocket you must have squashed it, then!" said Brown referring to the slap. "Anyhow, if you've got it, hold on to it an' let's hear what it is." "No not now. All in good time. Patience, my frind, is a virtoo wuf cultivation " "You needn't go for to tell that to a Bagnio slave like me, Mister Peter.

Banks are bustin every day, goin up higher nor any balloon of which we hav any record. These western bankers air a sweet & luvly set of men. I wish I owned as good a house as some of 'em would break into! Virtoo is its own reward. A. Ward. It is with no ordernary feelins of Shagrin & indignashun that I rite you these here lines.

"He was such a noble fellow," said Jennie to the weeping mother. She said it softly, but Mr. Hardcap's ears caught the expression. "Nobility, ma'am," said he, "isn't a savin' grace. It's a nateral virtoo. The question is, did he have the savin' grace of faith and repentance?" "I believe," said Mrs. Gear, earnestly, "that Willie was a Christian, if ever there was one, Mr. Hardcap."

"But I workt hard for the ticket; I toiled night and day! The patrit should be rewarded!" "Virtoo," sed I, holdin' the infatooated man by the coat-collar, "virtoo, sir, is its own reward. Look at me!" He did look at me, and qualed be4 my gase. "The fact is," I continued, lookin' round on the hungry crowd, "there is scacely a offiss for every ile lamp carrid round durin' this campane.

John Geer who ran the missionary mill, and taught the heathen to put their pennies in the plate and wear pants not that they ever did the last to any alarming extent, except in the annual reports that were sent back to be printed East; while Mrs. Geer she homeopathed the island and inculcurated the principles of female virtoo in the young.

I wouldn't mind comin' over here to live in the capacity of a Duke, provided a vacancy occurs, and provided further I could be allowed a few star-spangled banners, a eagle, a boon of liberty, etc. Don't think I've skedaddled. Not at all. I'm coming home in a week. Gentlemen of the editorial corpse, if you would be happy be virtoous! I who am the emblem of virtoo, tell you so.

'We've got her as a reward o' virtoo, and be d d to us. But," cautiously, "Thompson ain't drawed a sober breath since Christmas." The three men looked in each other's faces in silence. The same thought occurred to each; the profane Thompson was right, and the woman's advent was the logical sequence of their own ethics.

& I annoolly repair here to git some more on 'um; &, bein' here, I tho't I'd issoo a Adress to the public on matters and things. Since last I meyandered these streets, I have bin all over the Pacific Slopes and Utah. I cum back now, with my virtoo unimpaired; but I've got to git some new clothes. Many changes has taken place, even durin' my short absence, & sum on um is Sollum to contempulate.