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The lean-faced man was not to be mentioned in the same breath with this one, therefore she adopted the superior villain out of hand. She began to approach him. She asked him where he lived, meaning to discover whence he had come. He replied in the same mixture of roar and whisper, "Six undered un one, North Wing." Miss Eunice grew scarlet.

"I'm going to tell the skipper." "Tell 'im," says Jimmy. "I don't care." "Then you'll be searched arter you've stepped ashore," says Bill, "and you won't be allowed on the ship ag'in. You'll lose it all by being greedy, whereas if you go shares with us you'll 'ave two 'undered pounds." I could see as 'ow the boy 'adn't thought o' that, and try as 'e would 'e couldn't 'ide 'is feelin's.

You was young yourself once." "Yes," I says; "but I'm a bit older now, Bill, and unless you tell me what your little game is, I shall tell the skipper myself, and the chaps too. Pore old Thomas told 'im to do it, so where's the boy to blame?" "Do you think Jimmy did?" says Bill, screwing up his nose at me. "That little varmint is walking about worth six 'undered quid.

I've got as much right to take care o' master's property when he's out as you have." "I never thought of it, David." "It's on'y three 'undered and forty-nine yards and a half to my cottage, sir. You might have thought o' me." "I only wish I had," said Tom warmly. "I should have been so glad to have you."

"I've got a cold coming on," ses pore Ginger, looking at the Basher, who was on in front, "and a splitting 'eadache, and a sharp pain all down my left leg. I don't think " "Well, it's a good job it's no worse," ses the land-lord; "all you've got to do is to hit 'ard. If you win it's a 'undered pounds in my pocket, and I'll stand you a fiver of it. D'ye understand?"

"Well, sir, there's something in that," said David, but only to repeat himself in a reproachful tone "It was on'y three 'undered and forty-nine yards, and what's that to a young gent like you." "It can't be helped now, David. Let's go up-stairs."

"Look 'ere," says Bill, "you tell us where it is, and the three of us'll go shares in it. That'll be two 'undered pounds each, and we'll tell you 'ow to get yours changed without getting caught. We're cleverer than you are, you know." "I know that, Bill," says the boy; "but it's no good me telling you lies. I chucked it overboard." "Very good, then," says Bill, getting up.

Finally Joe, in loud, decisive tones, announced, "FOUR thousand, NO 'undered an' twenty poun', fourteen shillin's an' " "Bah! YOU blockhead!" Dad blurted out, and jumped off the sofa and went to bed. We all turned in. We were not in bed long when the dog barked and a horse entered the yard.

He won a 'undered pounds through me, and then got the gal I let myself be disgraced for. I 'ad an idea some time ago that he'd got 'is eye on her." Ginger Dick didn't answer 'im a word. He staggered back and braced 'imself up agin the wall for a bit, and arter staring at Bill Lumm in a wild way for pretty near three minutes he crawled back to 'is lodgings and went straight to bed agin.

We couldn't figure it out nohow, and to think o' the second mate, a little man with a large fam'ly, who never 'ad a penny in 'is pocket, sleeping every night on a six 'undered pound mattress, sent us pretty near crazy. We used to talk it over whenever we got a chance, and Bill and Jimmy could scarcely be civil to each other. The boy said it was Bill's fault, and 'e said it was the boy's.