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"No," says the boy, shaking 'is 'ead. "They was six 'undered pound notes and two sovereigns, and I wrapped the sovereigns up in the notes to make 'em sink. Fancy throwing money away like that, Bill: seems a sin, don't it?"

"One 'undered and eighty-three pounds seven shillings and fourpence." Mr. Blows took a long breath. "Ow much?" he said, faintly; "say it agin." His wife obeyed. "Show it to me," said the other, in trembling tones; "let's 'ave a look at it. Let's 'old some of it." "I can't," was the reply; "there's a committee of the Camels took charge of it, and they pay my rent and allow me ten shillings a week.

And there's pretty near a dozen of you as'll 'ave to go in the box and swear as you saw the tiger. Now, can I sell any of you a bit o' pork afore you go? It's delicious eating, and as soon as you taste it you'll know it wasn't grown in Claybury. Or a pair o' ducks wot 'ave come from two 'undered miles off, and yet look as fresh as if they was on'y killed last night.

"I'm going to tell the skipper." "Tell 'im," says Jimmy. "I don't care." "Then you'll be searched arter you've stepped ashore," says Bill, "and you won't be allowed on the ship ag'in. You'll lose it all by being greedy, whereas if you go shares with us you'll 'ave two 'undered pounds." I could see as 'ow the boy 'adn't thought o' that, and try as 'e would 'e couldn't 'ide 'is feelin's.

"One 'undered and eighty-three pounds seven shillings and fourpence." Mr. Blows took a long breath. "Ow much?" he said, faintly; "say it agin." His wife obeyed. "Show it to me," said the other, in trembling tones; "let's 'ave a look at it. Let's 'old some of it." "I can't," was the reply; "there's a committee of the Camels took charge of it, and they pay my rent and allow me ten shillings a week.

I on'y knew one miser all the years I was at sea. Thomas Geary 'is name was, and we was shipmates aboard the barque Grenada, homeward bound from Sydney to London. Thomas was a man that was getting into years; sixty, I think 'e was, and old enough to know better. 'E'd been saving 'ard for over forty years, and as near as we could make out 'e was worth a matter o' six 'undered pounds.

"No," says the boy, shaking 'is 'ead. "They was six 'undered pound notes and two sovereigns, and I wrapped the sovereigns up in the notes to make 'em sink. Fancy throwing money away like that, Bill: seems a sin, don't it?"

"Look 'ere," says Bill, "you tell us where it is, and the three of us'll go shares in it. That'll be two 'undered pounds each, and we'll tell you 'ow to get yours changed without getting caught. We're cleverer than you are, you know." "I know that, Bill," says the boy; "but it's no good me telling you lies. I chucked it overboard." "Very good, then," says Bill, getting up.

We've not done any at A; she's on'y showed us PER!" "PER bushel, then!" "Per bush-el. That's seven 'undered bushels of wheat at six shillin's per bushel. An' y' wants ter know, Dad ?" "How much it'll be, of course." "In money, Dad, or er ?" "Dammit, yes; MONEY!" Dad raised his voice. For a while, Joe thought hard, then set to work figuring and rubbing out, figuring and rubbing out.

'Yes, I read about that, said Harlow, 'and there was another case of a chap who was run over by a motor, and they tried to make out as 'e put 'isself in the way on purpose; but 'e got some money out of the swell it belonged to; a 'undered pound I think it was. 'I only wish as one of their motors would run inter me, said Philpot, making a feeble attempt at a joke.