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It would be be like a washerwoman. Bobby leant across to her eagerly. 'You don't un'stand prop'ly. It's a inside white frock over our hearts. Nobody sees it but Jesus and the angels at the gate and God. Our hearts are quite dirty and black till we ask Jesus to wash them and put the white dress on. Why, I had mine done long ago d'reckly I heard 'bout it. You ought to have yours.

She was not strong enough. Faster, faster, rushing at the next curve so that she could scarce steer round it As quietly as she could, she demanded of her father, "Pull back on this brake lever, far as you can. Take both hands." "I don't understand " "Heavens! Y' don't haft un'stand! Yank back! Yank, I tell you!" Again the car slowed. She was able to get into second speed.

A second more and he drew something to his side and stared at it. "Oh, ho!" came at last. "M'sieu Houston, he will, what-you-say, fix the can on the sawyer." "Why?" "First," said Ba'tiste quietly, "he waste a six-inch board on each slab-side he take off. Un'stand? The first cut when the bark, eet is sliced off. He take too much. Eet is so easy. And then look."

Oh, yass, I b'lieve I un'stand dat; I un'stan' it some." I showed her the north star, and told her how to find it; and then I took from my watch-guard a tiny compass and let her see how it forever picked out from among all the stars of heaven that one small light, and held quiveringly to it. She hung over it with ecstatic sighs.

That boob las' night is back here an' he's got it. I dunno but something big, I tell you. He's actin' like a crazy man. Listen here! He wants t' know can you locate it see it lyin' there underground. Why, the mummy; yes. M-u-m-m-i-e. Yes, sure! He's afraid mebbe they already dug him up an' got him in a musée somewheres, but if it's still there he wants it. Yes, sure thing, dontchu un'stand?

His will left you twenty thousand dollars but well, you know." Yamuro straightened up. He raised both hands in a gesture of protest and his words came fast and vehemently. "No, no! Thanks ver' mutch no no! You great artist you not un'stand making money. You need. Mother sister father all need. No please!" He halted; then in a deep embarrassment, went on. "Me got money in bank.

Danger hell fire if you call brother fool. Nev' min', Recky we un'stand each other. Two fools. I'm go'n behave." He knocked his derby in the back so it rested on his nose, stuck his chin up to meet it, and started off in the most unmistakable semblance of a tipsy man to be met anywhere. "See me behavin'?" he remarked sidewise, with a gleam of rollicking deviltry out of his eyes.

"My dear, remember you are speaking of my sister," he said with fine dignity but little discrimination. "Besides, I am not too drunk. I do see it. It's a demmed annoying attitude. She's a traitor, un'stand me? A traito-tor. I intend to speak to her about it." "It is better that you should do it," said his wife. "I am afraid I could not control my temper."

"That white," he answered in English, "tell me if I tell truth, maybe I get back all lands and pine. I like that, you un'stand for then I sell 'em again, un'stand." A little ripple of laughter went through the room, though John himself did not smile. He looked at young Norton with his black eyes half closed. Mr. Smith took up a paper. "I have here, Mr.

He used to say, "You know, master, camel he know me, and my countrymen; camel he un'stand my language, he no like Englishman, Englishman, he no un'stand riding camel, he no un'stand loading camel, only my countryman he un'stand camel," etc., etc.; but with all his bragging about the camels going so long without water, when we had been only four days gone from Beltana, Saleh and Coogee had held a council and decided that I must be remonstrated with, in consequence of my utter ignorance, stupidity, and reckless treatment of the camels.