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I was the person most convenient for the young fellow's purpose; he was pleased to confer upon me the title of friend en titre, and confidant in particular; to endow the confidant in question with a number of virtues and excellences which existed very likely only in the lad's imagination; to lament that the confidant had no sister whom he, Clive, might marry out of hand; and to make me a thousand simple protests of affection and admiration, which are noted here as signs of the young man's character, by no means as proofs of the goodness of mine.

"Monseigneur," said Balmile, "je n'ai pas la prétention de m'affubler d'un titre que la mauvaise fortune de mon roi ne me permet pas de porter comme il sied. A few more ceremonies, and these three, sitting down together to the table, called for wine. It was the happiness of Marie-Madeleine to wait unobserved upon the prince of her desires.

"Eh!" said mademoiselle, "but dat is being too modest. Many take de titre of physician, I'll engage, wid less pretensions. And," added she, looking graciously, "absolument, I will not have you call yourself de family apothicaire." At this moment Lord George came in, and shook his family apothecary by the hand, with an air of familiarity which astounded mademoiselle.

Had we been writing novels instead of authentic histories, we might have carried them anywhere else we chose: and we had a great mind to make Hayes philosophising with Bolingbroke, like a certain Devereux; and Mrs. Catherine maitresse en titre to Mr.

Madame Marneffe was to give a house-warming in her new apartment the day after becoming Hulot's mistress en titre, and after the marriage of the lovers. Who but has once in his life been a guest at a wedding-ball? Every reader can refer to his reminiscences, and will probably smile as he calls up the images of all that company in their Sunday-best faces as well as their finest frippery.

The day on which they will be conferred will be on Tuesday, the 21st inst. Believe me, yours very truly, The Journal notes: June 3rd. Excursion to Malvern, Hereford, and Worcester. Cher Monsieur Reeve, Je lis ce matin en tete des colonnes du journal le 'Times, un charmant premier article sur mon fils aine, et portant meme son nom pour titre.

The three devotees en titre each submitted to these exorbitant demands on their mind and attention, in hope of a crowning triumph, when at last Dinah should become human; for neither of them was so bold as to imagine that Dinah would give up her innocence as a wife till she should have lost all her illusions.

'She's a born mistress, just as Gerald is a born lover AMANT EN TITRE. If as somebody says all women are either wives or mistresses, then Gudrun is a mistress. 'And all men either lovers or husbands, cried Ursula. 'But why not both? 'The one excludes the other, he laughed. 'Then I want a lover, cried Ursula. 'No you don't, he said. 'But I do, she wailed. He kissed her, and laughed.

To see her thus, in the common little room at Poussette's, clad in the plain garb of cheap mourning, yet with all the instinctive fire and grandeur of the emotional artist, was to recall her as many could, declaiming on the narrow stage of the Theatre of Novelties. Je suis Romaine, helas! puisque Horace est Romain. J'ai reçevu son titre en reçevant sa main,

At a state banquet he turned to Catharine and hurled at her a name which no woman could possibly forgive and least of all a woman such as Catharine, with her high spirit and imperial pride. He thrust his mistresses upon her; and at last he ordered her, with her own hand, to decorate the Countess Vorontzoff, who was known to be his maitresse en titre.