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Nay, in this theres no danger; if there be A real happines on earth, this way You shall arrive to it. Tho. He were unwise Would he not graunt it then. Thu. Please you declare it. Cla.

"Thu, thu, thu," and, "I could tell tales," and, "I've been through my share" from various points of vantage around the speaker. It was then that Mrs. Jett sat forward on the edge of the straight chair, and put her question. There was a pause after it had fallen into the silence, as if an intruder had poked her head in through the door, and it brought only the most negligible answer from Mrs.

Why didn't Ken finish ther job in thu fust place and be done with it! Now it'll come between 'em an' like as not she won't hav' him on account of it. Ther Lawd do move in myster'ous ways fer a fac'! An' they do say thet ther trail o' troo love is rough an' crooked. An' them sech a well-matched span, too!"

"It's up to yuh mugs to see that nobody gets offishus an' interrupts thu perceedin's!" had been his instructions; nevertheless they irresistibly gravitated toward the door of the private room, where they stood with thumbs hooked in their belts in suggestive proximity to the butts of their peacemakers.

Revenge may slumber but can never sleep: He that lets slip an Injury thats done Takes the next course to draw a greater on. Thu. You counsell well. I pray, in all the volumes Your learning has perusd, did you ere find Any conclusion that allowd it lawfull To breake an oath? Lov. If she neglect and throw disgrace on thee, Fly't thou as much and be thy scorne as free. Thu.

An' out yeah whar wimmin 'n children air left alone a heap at times hit's every good man's duty ter pertect his own. Did yuh heah what happened ter thet sheepman's wife thet night arter they killed her man? "Hit war one man done hit arter the rest was gone. He was masked, o' cose, but all thu rest o' yuh outfit was at thu Alcazar Matlock with 'em so's ter prove a alleyby.

When their combined efforts had finally pried the two men apart she turned witheringly upon Douglass and lashed him with her scorn. "A fine boss yuh be to let these coyotes tear each other to pieces! Ef yuh cain't manage men any bettah than thet yuh bettah take yuh lettle pen an' write potery fer a livin'. Maybe yuh'd git yuh name in thu papehs that way!"

Thu boy was tow-haided an' ornary; thu gyurl were a roan, even redder'n me! I think she were thu freckledst critter I eveh see, an' ugly! Say, honest, she was afeared to look inter a lookin' glass an' every time she see her face axcidental she hollered! "Thet outfit were shore onlucky!

An' like measles, mumps an' small-pox, it's bettah to happen when he's young. When that Brevoort critter has trimmed Ken's lamps so's they'll burn steady without flickerin' he'll light up yuah life foh all time, honey. An' she's almost got thu jawb done, or I miss my guess!

It is not Lent nor Advent; if it were The Court is not so strickt but 'twill dispense With freinds, and graunt a licence. Cla. Whole be bound With you that theres no hindrance but we may Be lawfully espoused? Thu. Ime not so barren Of freinds but I shall find security For what will nere be question'd. Cla.