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I saw the bulletin of the term's entertainments in the hall this evening." "We'll never be seen at those things," insisted Kitty. "We'll scarcely be a drop in the bucket. But to-morrow night, isn't the whole affair for us? We'll be the whole show.

Henry Holyshade, containing our dear Tommy's exceedingly moderate account for the last term's school expenses. The tree yet sparkles, I say. I am writing on the day before Twelfth Day, if you must know; but already ever so many of the fruits have been pulled, and the Christmas lights have gone out. "Well, Bob, good-by, since you WILL go. Compliments to grandmamma. Thank her for the turkey.

Knitting made her think of Red Cross work, and that led straight to the awful thought of a Current Events test shortly coming off. While they were to be examined on the whole term's work, part of the test was the writing of an essay on a subject chosen from a list of three. Judith had decided to write on "Red Cross Work in Italy."

"Yes," said Thurston, suddenly making the fender jump and rattle with a vicious kick. "Allingford's got his knife in me; he's bent on spoiling my life here. But that's a game two can play at. I've got a plan or two in my head, and I'll take the change out of him and those other prigs before the term's finished."

Bronson said after another pause, in which he picked up an envelop from the table and drew forth a written sheet. Joe recognized the stiff and uncompromising scrawl of Miss Wilson, and his heart sank. His father began to read: "Listlessness and carelessness have characterized his term's work, so that when the examinations came he was wholly unprepared.

Now look here, John Hunter, you can't go an' carry this schoolma'am off till this here term's finished. I look fur Carter an' that new director over to-night, for a school meetin', an' I'm blamed if I'm goin' t' have you cuttin' into our plans no, sirr-ee she's t' be left free t' finish up this school, anyhow, if I help 'er get it." "No danger!

They sate near a great syringa bush, the perfume of which shrub in later years always brought back the scene before him; overhead, among the boughs of a lime-tree, a thrush fluted now cheerfully, now pathetically, like one who was testing a gift of lyrical improvisation. The elder man, wearied by a hard term's work, displayed a certain irritability of argument.

The hundred pounds which she had deposited in a bank was considerably diminished, since it had been drawn on for all her needs, but the term's salary would be paid in a short time, and the thought of that, added to the remainder, gave her a pleasant feeling of ease.

A man might make honestly, and wi' a clear conscience, twenty sterling pounds per annum, weel counted siller, o' the garden at Osbaldistone Hall, and I wasna likely to gi'e up a' that for a guinea, I trow I reckoned on staying wi' your honour to the term's end at the least o't; and I account my wage, board-wage, fee and bountith, ay, to that length o't at the least."

So the reader must imagine how most of the boys spent their holidays, how they enjoyed them, and how they behaved themselves during the period, and be content to be told only about two groups of holiday-makers, about whom, as they are destined to figure pretty conspicuously in next term's doings at Saint Dominic's, it will be interesting to hear rather more particularly now.