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"Of course," Ned replied, "but I want to know if Tag will tell us the same story, as coming from them, that they will tell you under a rigid cross-examination. In other words, I think Tag, as you call him, will shape their stories to suit his own purposes." "And so you want to set a trap for him? All right! Go ahead, lad, and make what you can out of this mess.

He is a nice boy, and I am much interested in him; for he has the two things that do most toward making a man, patience and courage," answered Teacher, also as she watched the young knight play and the honored lady tearing about in a game of tag. "Bab is a nice child, too," said Miss Celia; "she is as quick as a flash to catch an idea and carry it out, though very often the ideas are wild ones.

But he raised his voice to shout: "Dave! Oh, Dave! Come here! You, too, Greg." "Coming," came the call, in Darry's voice. The sound of running feet sounded on the road. Tag Mosher glanced uneasily about, as if meditating flight. Then his keen eyes scrutinized Prescott's face. "What's up?" demanded Dave, as, even in the darkness he caught sight of another figure.

"I think it's extremely but extremely clever; and more very charming, very beautiful. The fatal gift of beauty!" And her smile reminded him that the application of the tag was his own. "Yes," said he. "Its beauty, though," she reflected, "is n't exactly of the obvious sort is it? It does n't jump at you, for instance. It is rather in the texture of the work, than on the surface.

Well, that was according to directions, too, and I drops a dory over the side with Sam Leary and Archie Gillis and the keg in it, and tells them to row over to the beach, ask the name of the lad that jumped from behind the rock, and if it was the same as on the tag to leave the keg with him.

"How did you know he was from there?" "Not difficult," chuckled Miller. "It's on the end of his bag. And I knew he was coming to Brimfield because there was a tag on the handle. I couldn't make out your names, but I could see 'Brimfield, N. Y. all right." Steve and Tom smiled foolishly. "I never thought of that," murmured Tom. "We we thought you were a confidence-man!"

Luckily Didine is not a bit afraid of him. Up to date they have never fought. Didine has a great admiration for Khaki, and will tag him. The difference in their characters is too funny. For example, if Didine brings a mouse into the garden Khaki never attempts to touch it.

It was rather nice... The English always imitate the German war-methods, but without much success." They grinned and imitated my way of saying "Guten Tag" when I left them. It took a year or more to tame the arrogance of the German officer. At the end of the Somme battles he changed his manner when captured, and was very polite.

In the old grounds the boys of the neighborhood now went to fly their kites and model airplanes, to hold impromptu bicycle and foot races, and to play tag and hide-and-go-seek in the cavernous sheds and around the numerous sagging stables.

A dozen portly matrons sat in the sand, rocking to and fro as the wave came up about them and receded; and children innumerable pranced around them, playing tag with the tricky surf that often caught them unawares. "Grandma," Mac said, trudging up to the McAlister awning with a pail of sand under his arm; "isn't vat sky just lovely? I'd like to fly up vere, and maybe God would let me work ve sun."