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"Why, I'd feel the meanest in the world to have a we'pon, and not use it when there's a need to do so; and I'm half afraid that the temptation of having such beautiful puppies for myself twin-puppies, I may say having just the same look out of the eyes, and just the same spots and marks, and, I reckon, just the same way of giving tongue I'm half afraid, I say, that to get to be the owner of them, might tempt me to stand quiet and let a chap wink at me maybe laugh outright may be suck in his breath, and give a phew-phew-whistle just while I'm passing!

The whale, on the contrary, takes care of her little one, gives it suck, and sports playfully with it in the waves; its enormous heart throbbing all the while, no doubt, with satisfaction. I have heard of a whale which was once driven into shoal water with its calf and nearly stranded.

After this she soon dies. The eggs hatch in about two weeks, though some observers state that they do not hatch for from forty to over fifty days after being laid. The active grubs are provided with three pairs of legs. After leaving the egg they fall to the ground, burrow into it, and seek the roots of plants whose juices they suck by means of their long beaks.

The wave smashed ... hit the galley and washed over the top of it, catching me in a cataract as I hugged close. I was driven hard against the taut cable wire that made our only railing. For a moment I thought the water reaching up from over-side as the vessel lurched would clutch me and suck me down. A close and breathless call. A rending, splintering sound told me damage had been done.

The baby looked at him a little doubtfully, and then laughed. "Girl or boy?" asked Joe of the mother. "Girl." "How old?" "Two." "She's a darling! What's her name?" "Name's Annie." "Named after you?" "Sure!" "You wouldn't mind if I gave her a peppermint to suck?" "Would you mind some candy, Annie?" "Candy!" shrieked the child. Joe dove into his bulging pocket and produced a good hard white one.

Sometimes they will nibble at the wit of being satyrical, though their utmost spleen is so toothless, that they suck rather than bite, tickle rather than scratch or wound: nor do they ever flatter more than at such times as they pretend to speak with greatest freedom.

M'siu, that laugh stop on his face like it been freeze, his mouth is open, his eyes curl up. It is terrible, that dead laugh in the midst of the black water that run down from his hair. "Raoul," he say, "the sand is quick!" Then he take one step, and I hear the sand suck. I see Filon shiver like a reed in the swift water. "My God," he say, "the sand is quick!"

The next moment the water caught us in its mighty suck, just under the upper edge of the arch, and almost before we were aware that we had started through, our boat made a plunge on the lower side, the perilous moment was past, and we were floating in comparatively still water two score yards below London Bridge. Then Captain Bettina resumed her seat on the stern thwart, and we dipped our oars.

His mirth was hoarse and ghastly, like a raven's croak, and the sick wolf joined him, howling lugubriously. The man ceased suddenly. How could he have the laugh on Bill if that were Bill; if those bones, so pinky-white and clean, were Bill? He turned away. Well, Bill had deserted him; but he would not take the gold, nor would he suck Bill's bones.

Oh, yes, Paris couldn't get along without the provinces, to plunder and rob, to seduce their sons away from living good, pure lives, and to suck these lives as a pig would a trough of fresh water! But the provinces, if they valued their souls, shunned Paris as they would the devil. And as for artists when it came to the young of the provinces, who thought they could paint or model