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I make b'l'eve that it was out on Streeter Pond, an' I was settin' in the boat, fixin' my lan'in' net, when I see him on the shore. I think mebbe I 'm that James for that's my given name, ye know, though they allers call me Jimmy an' then I hear him callin' me 'James, James. I can hear him jest 's plain sometimes, when the wind 's blowin' in the trees, an' I jest ache to up an' foller him.

He wouldn't budge an inch, for I tried to make him start out and hunt you up, and he refused until Well, one day the boat that carries the mail between Key West and Chokoloskee picked up, out in the Gulf of Mexico, a broken canoe that everybody seemed to know was the one you and Mr. Williams were out in. Then Mr. Streeter made a night run to Myers, got Dad out of bed, and things began to happen.

I had therefore the opportunity to hear the great preachers of the denomination Russell Streeter, Sebastian Streeter, brothers; Thomas Whittemore, the editor of the Trumpet, the organ of the sect, Hosea Ballou, Walter Balfour, and others whose names I do not recall. Balfour was a Scotchman, preaching with an accent, and rolling his scalp, from his eyes to the nape of his neck.

"He had a lemonade stand at the baseball game last week, and I heard Doctor Streeter say to a friend: 'Come on, Bill, let's go over and get a glass, patronize the little fellow. The man said, 'No, thank you, doc, none of that weak circus stuff for me, acid and colouring matter and sweetened water. I've been an enterprising boy myself, and know how it's done.

"I am not shocked," said the young man, seriously; "I recognize that there are many things in my books that are blemishes." "Of course you don't mean that," said the frank young woman; "because if you did you would not repeat the faults in book after book." "A man can but do his best," said Streeter, getting annoyed in spite of himself, for no man takes kindly to the candid friend.

It was brilliantly written, and reviewed in lay as well as in church papers. Juke, to his own detriment, became popular. Canon Streeter and others asked him to collaborate in joint books on the Church. Modernist liberal-catholic vicars asked him to preach. When he preached, people came in hundreds to hear him, because he was an attractive, stimulating, and entertaining preacher.

We may be away north of Osceola's camp, but there will likely be a trail that will help us to find it, and anyhow we will be near the line that Mr. Streeter thinks Ned and the Indian will follow. Don't you like the plan?" "Me? Sure! I don't want any better fun than t' keep on t' the Atlantic Ocean, only 'fraid it'd be too hard fer you."

Streeter, you don't know how grateful I am to you for all you are doing for me. The money is the least part of it and I can fix that all right. You wouldn't think I was a capitalist to look at me, would you?" said Dick, laughingly. "Since I left home I've rolled up quite a fortune as a fireman and a sponger and I can pay my little bills and have money to burn besides.

I hain't seen him look so longfaced since since he was paid up on a sartin note I knows of, jest as he was smackin' his lips over a nice fat farm that was comin' to him! "Well, I was that plum puzzled that I meant ter find out why Streeter was takin' sech notice, if I hung fur it. So I set to on a little detective work of my own, knowin', of course, that 't wa'n't no use askin' of him himself.

In the local elections of 1889 and 1890 the party still appeared but was obviously passing off the stage to make way for a greater attraction. The meager vote for Streeter in 1888 demonstrated that the organized farmers were yet far from accepting the idea of separate political action.