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I began to feel very sick at my Stomache, although glad he was safe, and wondered what they would do without me. Because I had now seen that, although insisting that I was still a child, I was as dear to them as Leila, though in a different way. I had not cried as yet, but at the thought of Henry's friend and the others coming up to kill me before Mr. Schmidt could get help, I shed a few tears.

I was about to faint again, as the sight of blood makes me sick at the stomache, but Henry held a bottle of amonia under my nose and said in a brutal way: "Here, none of that." I then said that I would not tell the Password, although killed for it, and he said if I kept up that attitude I would be, because they were desperate and would stop at nothing.

Jane spent the night with me, and being unable to sleep, owing to dieting again and having an emty stomache, wakened me at 2 A. M. and we went to the pantrey together. When going back upstairs with some cake and canned pairs, we heard a door close below. We both shreiked, and the Familey got up, but found no one except Leila, who could not sleep and was out getting some air.

He was opening and closing the pantrey drawers, and although young, and not a housekeeper, I knew that he was not looking in them for edables. "If you'll go up to your room, Miss Bab," he said, "I'll mix you an Eggnogg, without alkohol, of course, and bring it up. An Eggnogg is a good thing to stay the stomache with at night. I frequently resort to one myself."

Only can the Goddess of Mercy and perhaps the Foreign God a little, lend of aid to me in my extremities. To them I design the Poem below, of which you shall have readings. To composition, Poem take with much exactitude, six of hours and forty-five of moments. At endings of time, eyes ached and stomache have yearnings but Poem come out.

Courage and constancy, and all will go well, provided our friends on the shore fail not to send the boat you spoke of." "Fear them not," said Catherine, "they are true as steel if our dear mistress do but maintain her noble and royal courage." "In all those garbulles, I assure your honour, I never saw the Queen merrier, never dismayed; nor never thought I that stomache to be in her that I find.

Take your time. where is your stomache... who has control of it? You take it ez. get good exercise. Learn ANYTHING at a pace healthy for you! That so is good. But over the last 7 years, i have been always rushing to meet someone else's gap. No thanx... Everyone is the same. Some people think they are special. No... " Rama was talking about American Indians.

I felt I must speak to some one, so I observed to Hannah that I was most unhappy, but not to ask me why. I was dressing at the time, and she was hooking me up. "Unhappy!" she said, "with a thousand dollars a year, and naturaly curly hair! You ought to be ashamed, Miss Bab." "What is money, or even hair?" I asked, "when one's Heart aches?" "I guess it's your stomache and not your Heart," she said.

Lipsius bids his noble pupil beware of Italian women: " ... inter fæminas, formæ conspicuæ, sed lascivæ et procaces." Turler must acknowledge "an auntient complaint made by many that our countrymen usually bring three thinges with them out of Italye: a naughty conscience, an empty purse, and a weak stomache: and many times it chaunceth so indeede."

Yet could I say that it was my Heart and not my Stomache that was full? I could not. During dinner I looked at Leila and wondered how she could be married off. For until so I would continue to be but a Child, and not allowed to be engaged or anything. I thought if she would eat some starches it would help, she being pretty but thin.