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The grotesque figure, with its outstretched arms and hat set at a rakish angle, looked familiar for some incomprehensible reason. As Oliver clung to the wall, squinted through the leaves, and wondered why that should be, the mystery was suddenly solved. The door of the house opened with a squeak of rusty hinges and somebody came out on the step. It was Anthony Crawford.

She stopped and looked at the man, startled. He was a stranger, yet dimly familiar. The little store, his own round face, his shirt-sleeves and boots "I wanted to ask," he said solicitously, "how your father was this morning." "My father?" she repeated dully. "Oh, he's quite well, thank you." Plainly her words puzzled him. He squinted his eyes as though to make sure of her.

Roaring Bill pulled up, and squinted away down the narrow lane fresh with ax marks. "Well," said he, "I wonder what's coming off now? That looks like a survey line of some sort. It isn't a trail too wide. Let's follow it a while. "I'll bet a nickel," he asserted next, "that's a railroad survey."

Thomas Bodza squinted suspiciously at Maria, and holding the iron ring on his little finger right in front of her eyes, inquired: "Dost thou then know the meaning of these three letters: U. S. S.?" Maria answered with a smile: "Ud slovenske stridnosce." Then the master did indeed press the hand offered to him.

The woman took the envelope gingerly in the wet thumb and finger that still grasped a bit of the gingham apron. She held it at arm's length, and squinted up her eyes, trying to read it without her glasses. It was some new kind of beggar, of course. She hated to touch these dirty envelopes, and this one looked old and worn.

Even then Miss Berintha would demur, until she had taken the Bible to the window, and squinted to see if the year had not been scratched out and rewritten! Then closing the book with a profound sigh she would say, "I never, now! it beats all how much older you look!"

The first glance, and his first words, explained everything to me: in place of what I had taken for the furious tones and terrible looks of an angry man, and the attitude of a frightened victim, I had before me only an honest citizen, who squinted and stuttered, but who was explaining the management of silkworms to his attentive daughter.

Only Handy Solomon clung desperately to the wheel, jamming his weight to port in the hope she might pay up: Thrackles, too, his eye squinted along some bearing of his own, was waiting for her to drag. Presently it became evident that she was doing so, whereupon he drew his knife across our hawser. "My God," chattered Pulz at my ear. "If we go ashore " He did not need to finish.

He squinted up at the sky, delivering his confidence in slowly measured phrases, to wit; "Wouldn't give ten cents fer no man 'at 'll give up a gal 'less he 'd orter not fer nuthin' ner nobody." I was called out of bed at cockcrow in the morning. The baroness and a footman were at the door. "Ah, my captain, there is trouble," she whispered. "M. de Lambert has taken his daughters.

Summerfield had attended to that. He looked up and smiled and said, "Do you think so?" "I certainly do," said Eugene cheerfully. "Try a touch of yellow next to that blue. See if you don't like that." The artist did as requested and squinted at it narrowly. "It helps it a lot, don't it," he observed, as though it were his own.