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"Yes, all but one or two. They were going to finish it to-day, but they ain't very spry about it." "Tell you what you do, Max; you call them up and tell them we want a man to come out here and stay for a while. I may want to move the lights around a little. And, anyhow, they may as well clean up their job and have it done with." He was starting back after the returning laborers when Max said:

On returning to his native parish he had brought back and retained the name of his profession, the parish register alone preserving his true name of Matthew Spry. He was a fervent Methodist a local preacher, in fact and was held in some admiration by "the people" for his lustiness in prayer-meeting.

"He's mighty spry, for anybody that gets up into a pulpit on the Sabbath and tells his fellow-creaturs what they ought to be doin'." "But he does do that, Mrs. Flandin," said Diana. "He speaks plain enough, too." "I do love to hear him!" said Miss Barry.

"Missus," says he, "if the Parson's anywhere alive, we'll find 'en: and if that Frenchman be Old Nick himself, he shall rue the day he ever set foot in Manaccan parish! Come'st along, Arch'laus " He took Spry by the arm and marched him out and down the garden path. There, by the gate, what should his eyes light upon but his own stolen tools!

I must say he was n't very spry about the leaf, for all he did was to turn himself over at first, but I opened his window an' banged the blinds three or four times an' in the end he got woke up without really knowin' just what had woke him.

'Them are spry chaps, I reckon, was the parent's reflection, with some pride in their successful free-booting, though he had opposed its details. 'I would teach them to be honest, Mr. Bunting; which speech only evoked a laugh. 'Now I guess you're riled 'cos they ran away with yer sugar, jest as ef 'twarn't more mine than yourn.

"Busy! busy! busy!" he shouted over his shoulder and ran faster than ever. In a few minutes he was back again, but such a queer-looking fellow as he was! His head was twice as big as it had been before and you would hardly have known that it was Striped Chipmunk but for the saucy way he twitched his funny little tail and the spry way he scampered along the old stone wall.

Prissy Atterbury in a burst of chivalry said it when he said: "Jim's no gentleman if he doesn't marry Charity." Pet put it in a more womanly way: "Unless he's mighty spry she'll nab him. Trust her!" Among the few people who had caught a glimpse of Charity, no one had been quite cruel enough to say those things to her face, but Charity imagined them.

I forgot where else it has been, but it's been kept perfectly safe and treated with every consideration. 'And who contrived all these manoeuvres? asked Racksole as calmly as he could. 'I did. That is to say, I invented them and I saw that they were carried out. You see, the suspicions of your police obliged me to be particularly spry. 'And who carried them out?

Nobody could ask more. Why, then, am I not out of my head about her? Already she permits a kiss or two when nobody is around, and presently she will permit more. And she thinks I am quite the cleverest person living. Come, Jurgen, man! is there no heart in this spry young body you have regained? Come, let us have a little honest rapture and excitement over this promising situation!"