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Even Watts vowed that the President had behaved reel 'andsome, and, as a token of regeneration, swore that never another drop o' sperrits would cross his lips. Wines and beers, of course, were light refreshments of a different order. Schmidt, too, sublimely heedless of the diplomatic storm he had caused, seemed to be contented.

I'll sing something." "It might help to git ong rapport with the sperrits," agreed Teeters. As Mrs. Taylor droned a familiar camp-meeting hymn, Mullendore opened his eyes and looked at her dully: "Who are you?" he whispered. Mrs. Taylor quavered, "I've come to bring the Truth to you." Mullendore looked at her, uncomprehending.

"Your head was mighty foolish," said Phillis, "and you just thought you saw it." "No such thing. I saw de red eyes Aunt Peggy's red eyes." "High!" said Phillis, "Aunt Peggy hadn't red eyes." "Not when she was 'live?" said Bacchus. "But thar's no knowin what kind of eyes sperrits gets, 'specially when they gets where it aint very comfortable." "Well," said Phillis, "these things are above us.

"Oh yes, I'm sure he's dead!" "Indeed, madam, and you're misteeken intirely: the young man is perfectly well in health." "Oh, praised be Heaven!" "But mighty cast down in sperrits. To misfortunes, madam, look you, the best of us are subject; and a trifling one has fell upon your son." And herewith Mr.

Beth was trying to keep the tears out of her own eyes, for the old man's voice was even more pathetic than his words. "Ten days ago!" said Kenneth. "And she hasn't been found yet?" "We can't trace her anywhere, an' Nell has broke down at las', an' don't do much but cry. It's hard, sir I can't bear to see Nell cry. She'd sich high sperrits, onct."

Goin' to the Queen City to take to steamboat life in hopes of havin' your sperrits raised by bein' blowed up? Take my advice and don't make haste in the downward road to destruction, nor the up-hill one nuther. A game a'n't never through tell it's played out, an' the American eagle's a chicken with steel spurs.

"The Fish Commissioner wor up here last week, an' sez he to me, sez he, 'It's a mikroptheros, so it is. 'What's that? sez I. 'That! sez he; and he slaps him into an illigant glass bottle of sperrits, as I thought he was goin' to say to me, 'McGrath, have ye a mouth on ye? an' I as dhry as if I'd et red herrin's for a week.

Dudley took the reins with a gratified smile, applied the whip, and the spirited little pony dashed along the road at such a rate, that a porter looked after them in dismay. "Those two young gents will come to their death afore they're satisfied," he remarked, and another man responded: "Yes, the little one is pretty well smashed up already, but legs or no legs, boys allays keeps their sperrits!"

Fust thing is a new set of teeth, you done gummed yourself into dyspepsy and gineral cantankerousness, and then I 'm sot on taking you to my house to visit a month and eat good victuals and git your stummick opened up whar it done growed together, and your mind unj'inted, and your sperrits limbered similar. And straightway he sont for a tooth-dentist, that tuck a pictur' of my gums in wax then and thar.

Midmore raced into dry kit, and raced uphill to be rewarded by the sight of the lantern just turning into the Sperrits' gate. He came back by way of Sidney's farm, where he saw the light twinkling across three acres of shining water, for the rain had ceased and the clouds were stripping overhead, though the brook was noisier than ever.