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Run, ye divil ye! run!" he cried as he facilitated the departure of the line, which was going out at a famous rate. "Bedad! he's a fine mikroptheros! Whisht! he's stopped. Take that, ye spalpeen ye!" As he said this he gave his rod a strong jerk, that brought the line up with a "zip" out of the water in a long ridge, and the old bamboo cane bent until it cracked.

"I never heard such a name as that for a fish in all my life! a mikroptheros!" "Divil a more or less!" said Mr. McGrath decidedly.

"What was it," said I, "that you called him when you struck him just now?" "What did I call him, sorr? A mikroptheros, sorr." "And for Goodness' sake, McGrath, what is a mikroptheros?" "Begorra! that's what it is," said Mr. McGrath, throwing the bass overboard to swim at the end of its leathern thong. "Well!" said I in amazement.

At the same moment, about a hundred and fifty feet away, a splendid fish leaped high and clear out of the water with the line dangling from his mouth. Mr. McGrath had struck him fairly, and away he went across stream as hard as he could tear. "Take the rod, sorr, while I get the landing-net. Kape a tight line on him, sorr: niver let him deludher ye. It's an illigant mikroptheros he is, sure!"

"The Fish Commissioner wor up here last week, an' sez he to me, sez he, 'It's a mikroptheros, so it is. 'What's that? sez I. 'That! sez he; and he slaps him into an illigant glass bottle of sperrits, as I thought he was goin' to say to me, 'McGrath, have ye a mouth on ye? an' I as dhry as if I'd et red herrin's for a week.