United States or Heard Island and McDonald Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

And if dere's any picnics or red balloons to be dealt out here, Mike's money pays for 'em see? Don't you butt in, or something'll be handed to you. Youse d settlers and reformers with your social ologies and your millionaire detectives have got dis district in a hell of a fix, anyhow.

Say, you go out wid Thornton again ter-night an' de Doc finds it out an' something'll happen. Say, Helena, fer God's sake, don't youse do it de Doc was bad enough dis afternoon when he let youse down easy, but he's worse now, an' " "Worse?" Helena interrupted, smiling a little apathetically. "In what way is he worse? And how do you know? You haven't seen Doc, have you?"

Something'll turn up for me if I try to make it." This was good philosophy. Waiting passively for something to turn up is bad policy and likely to lead to disappointment; but waiting actively, ready to seize any chance that may offer, is quite different. The world is full of chances, and from such chances so seized has been based many a prosperous career.

"And maybe he thinks they are. But you'll see something'll keep happening; they'll drag on from day to day, and they'll not start the fan till they're ready." "Why, it's murder!" cried Hal. "It's business," said Tom Olson, quietly. Hal looked from one to another of the faces of these working people. Not one but had friends in that trap; not one but might be in the same trap to-morrow!

Things were bad enough as it was." A ray of interest illumined the leisureliness of the Hon. Geoffrey's eyes. "You mean about Mrs. H'm, yes?" he said. "People are talking; you can't stop that. I'm so sorry for the poor Squire, and Mrs. Pendyce. I hope something'll be done." The Rector frowned. "I've done my best," he said. "Well hit, sir!

Something or other'll come, mark my word just when they think they've got their hands on it: a hurricane, or a tidal wave, or an earthquake. As sure as you live, something'll come; a rock'll fall down, or a thunderbolt, and somebody gets killed And, well, the ghost laughs, but the treasure stays there all the same." "The ghost laughs?" I asked.

You tried it last night and I blocked you. Shut the door, Naab, or something'll happen." "There's more going to happen than ever you think of, Holderness. Don't interfere now, I'm going." "Well, go ahead but you won't take the girl!" Snap Naab swung off the step, slamming the door behind him. "So-ho!" he exclaimed, sneeringly. "That's why you've made me foreman, eh?"

And this attitude was doing more harm than if he had been bitterly hostile to the idea. The Civic League was counting the votes, wondering if Green Valley could go dry over George Hoskins' head. But Grandma Wentworth was hoping for one more miracle before election day. "Something'll happen to swing George into line. We Green Valley people have always done everything together.

And if it holds good, something'll happen to stop you from ever having a house, so as to get you properly educated." My luck "held good" for the time being; for when Johnny came along in a few days he announced, in answer to a very warm welcome, that "something had gone wrong at No. 3 Well" and that "he'd promised to see to it at once." "Oh, Johnny!"

"We'll hit the Bull's Kid hard for about a week mix it with the fellers in from way back you know dry-blowers, pearlers, spending it easy handing their money to Bessie behind the bar and restless because she makes it last too long; watch them a while and get in touch with all that's happening; then flit out of Sydney like bats out of and hump blue eh?" "Something'll turn up; it always does.