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"I'll do the sleuth stuff in the corner store while you two are interviewing the Duchess I beg pardon, the Queen." The girls left Williams, as he suggested, at the little store, while they, tugging their basket between them, found and followed the path by the Rushing Water.

On it were placed, open, the Bible and the Concordance. But as his landlady came in, Mr. Sleuth hastily closed the Bible, and began staring dreamily out of the window, down at the sordid, hurrying crowd of men and women which now swept along the Marylebone Road. "There seem a great many people out today," he observed, without looking round. "Yes, sir, there do." Mrs.

When I first got here, you know, it seemed to me the only thing to do was to round up a merry old detective and put the matter in his hands, like they do in stories. You know! Ring at the bell. 'And this, if I mistake not, Watson, is my client now. And then in breezes client and spills the plot. I found a sleuth in the classified telephone directory, and toddled round. Rummy chaps, detectives!

Sleuth had none of those tiresome, disagreeable ways with which landladies are only too familiar, and which seem peculiar only to those human beings who also happen to be lodgers. To take but one point: Mr. Sleuth did not ask to be called unduly early.

But I hope there's no harm done. I wiped it up as well as I could, seeing that the doors of the chiffonnier are locked." Mr. Sleuth stared at her with a wild, almost a terrified glance. But Mrs. Bunting stood her ground. She felt far less afraid now than she had felt before he came in. Then she had been so frightened that she had nearly gone out of the house, on to the pavement, for company.

He opened a box of cigars that stood on the desk and held it out to the detective. "Take a cigar," he said amiably. The man took a cigar, and also the match which Mr. Ryder held out. The financier knew how to be cordial with those who could serve him. "Thanks. This is a good one," smiled the sleuth, sniffing at the weed. "We don't often get a chance at such as these."

"Not likely, after you and your sleuth hounds had been over the ground!" He went to the door, and there Simon again spoke. "What are you doing next?" "Upon my word, I am rather wondering. I must think about it. Good morning." For a man who was rather wondering, Mr. Carrington's next movements were remarkably prompt. He first went straight to the Post Office and dispatched a wire.

He was such a a she searched for a word in her mind, but could only find the word "gentle" he was such a nice, gentle gentleman, was Mr. Sleuth. Lately he had again taken to leaving his money about, as he had done the first day or two, and with some concern his landlady had seen that the store had diminished a good deal.

And then it isn't so very long since you had your dinner, is it?" "No," he said absently. "No, it isn't, Mrs. Bunting." She went down, made the tea, and brought it up again. And then, as she came into the room, she uttered an exclamation of sharp dismay. Mr. Sleuth was dressed for going out.

It used to make me tired to see the nonchalance with which he would sleuth up to a nice fat thing like a baseball season program, and put away a couple of hundred with a single turn of the wrist and about four days' hard soliciting among the long-suffering Jonesville merchants. I never could do it myself.