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When I woke up and went to mount my hoss, he wasn't thar. Them same three skunks had managed to keep so close onto the trail, that, afore I woke, they slipped up, took all three of the animals, and were miles away when I opened my eyes. "Wall, yer may skulp me if I wasn't mad, and I couldn't help laughin', too, to think how nice they had come it over me.

Then he taken a rock and lammed the cook 'cause he looked like he was laffin' at him. Not long atter that, he killed a Injun he 'lowed was crawlin' 'round our place done kilt him and taken his skulp 'fore I had time to explain to him that like enough that Injun was plum peaceful, and only comin' in to get a loaf o' bread." "Bread? Aunt Mandy, where was all this?"

He put the mustang on a dead run, sat bolt upright on his back, and Sut even fancied that he could see that his cap was set a little to one side, so as to give himself a saucy, defiant air to whomsoever might look upon him. "Skulp me! if he ain't a good rider!" exclaimed the scout, anxious to assist him in the trouble with which he was certain to environ himself. "But he is riding to his death.

One street's like another to me, after you get past the corners. I'd always know Second, though, by the tobacco-shop, with the wild Injun at the door, liftin' his tommyhawk to skulp you ugh! but never mind, all the same, skulp away for what I care, for I a'n't likely ever to lay eyes on you ag'in!"

Fully ten minutes were passed in this manner, when steam was entirely shut off, whereupon the giant came to such a sudden halt that both were thrown violently forward and bruised somewhat. 'Skulp me! but don't stop quite so sudden like, said the hunter. 'It's a little unhandy fur me to hold up so quick! 'I'll soon learn to manage it, replied Johnny. 'I see it won't do to shut off all at once.

The excitement was too great for anything like deliberation, or concerted council. "It may be the skunks are waitin' fur Lone Wolf," he muttered, as he stood with his arms bound to his side. "They wouldn't dare to do much without axing him, though I 'spose they might a skulp any man wharever they got the chance, without stopping to ax questions. Helloa! thar he comes!"

"But what become of all the craturs?" persisted Mickey, who was anything but satisfied at this plodding along. "Lone Wolf and his spalpeens did not ride away upon their horses." "No, but yer may skulp me if any of 'em are big enough fools to leave their animals where there seems to be any danger of other folks layin' hands on 'em.

"We ain't goin' t' give 'em no chanst t' sneak up 'n' skulp us whilst we're watchin' Luck 'n' his dang-fool pow-wowin' out there in the middle." "Aw, gwan! They wouldn't DAST skelp white folks!" There was a wail in the voice of Happy Jack. "They dast if they git the chanst," Applehead retorted fretfully.

A few seconds only were necessary for Sut to free himself, but ere those seconds could be taken advantage of, he was drawn over backward. The entire party sprang upon him and seized his gun and knife. "Skulp me, if this don't look as though I'd made a slip of it this time!" muttered Sut, as he bounded like lightning to his feet.

'Skulp me if that wouldn't have been almost as bad as staying among the red-skins, replied the trapper. 'How are we goin' to get him out of this? 'We've got to shove him back ourselves. 'Can't we reverse him? 'No; he isn't gotten up on that principle.