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The Honourable Mrs Skewton and her daughter, Mrs Granger, resided, while at Leamington, in lodgings that were fashionable enough and dear enough, but rather limited in point of space and conveniences; so that the Honourable Mrs Skewton, being in bed, had her feet in the window and her head in the fireplace, while the Honourable Mrs Skewton's maid was quartered in a closet within the drawing-room, so extremely small, that, to avoid developing the whole of its accommodations, she was obliged to writhe in and out of the door like a beautiful serpent.

'Mrs Skewton, said her father, turning to the first, and holding out his hand, 'this is my daughter Florence. 'Charming, I am sure, observed the lady, putting up her glass. 'So natural! My darling Florence, you must kiss me, if you please. Florence having done so, turned towards the other lady, by whom her father stood waiting. 'Edith, said Mr Dombey, 'this is my daughter Florence.

Soon after tea' Mrs Skewton, who affected to be quite overcome and worn Out by her emotions of happiness, arising in the contemplation of her dear child united to the man of her heart, but who, there is reason to suppose, found this family party somewhat dull, as she yawned for one hour continually behind her fan, retired to bed. Edith, also, silently withdrew and came back' no more.

'Shall we go on through the rooms, said Mr Dombey, 'and see how our workmen are doing? Pray allow me, my dear madam. He said this in offering his arm to Mrs Skewton, who had been looking at Florence through her glass, as though picturing to herself what she might be made, by the infusion from her own copious storehouse, no doubt of a little more Heart and Nature.

Mr Carker was charmed, of course. 'Why, where, for Heaven's sake, is Edith? exclaimed Mrs Skewton, looking round. 'Still at the door, giving Withers orders about the mounting of those drawings! My dear Mr Dombey, will you have the kindness Mr Dombey was already gone to seek her.

That blow partially recovered, she had gone to a vast expense to make such a figure before Mrs Dombey at home, as should dazzle the senses of that lady, and heap mortification, mountains high, on the head of Mrs Skewton. 'But I am made, said Mrs Chick to Mr Chick, 'of no more account than Florence! Who takes the smallest notice of me? No one!

As Mrs Skewton drew her purse out with a trembling hand, and eagerly fumbled for some money, which the other old woman greedily watched for their heads all but touching, in their hurry and decrepitude Edith interposed: 'I have seen you, addressing the old woman, 'before. 'Yes, my Lady, with a curtsey. 'Down in Warwickshire. The morning among the trees. When you wouldn't give me nothing.

The pastry-cook has done his duty like a man, though, and a rich breakfast is set forth. Mr and Mrs Chick have joined the party, among others. Mrs Chick admires that Edith should be, by nature, such a perfect Dombey; and is affable and confidential to Mrs Skewton, whose mind is relieved of a great load, and who takes her share of the champagne.

Nevertheless, bad man, as you have boldly remarked upon it, and as it has occasioned me great anguish: Mrs Skewton touched her left side with her fan: 'I will not shrink from my duty.

'You may come and see us any evening when you are good, lisped Mrs Skewton. 'If Mr Dombey will honour us, we shall be happy. Withers, go on! The Major again pressed to his blue lips the tips of the fingers that were disposed on the ledge of the wheeled chair with careful carelessness, after the Cleopatra model: and Mr Dombey bowed.