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But as soon as he was fairly out of sight, the boy called together several other boys, and stated the case to them, adding, 'Now, boys, if you will help me to catch that shote, we will show the Professor a thing that they have never done in Edinburgh. The boys consented, and his hogship was soon made a prisoner.

He stopped a minute ter listen, en he heared sump'n grunt ag'in. Den he went ober ter de fence whar he heard de fuss, en dere, layin' in de fence co'nder, on a pile er pine straw, he seed a fine, fat shote. "Primus look' ha'd at de shote, en den sta'ted home.

But his spirit was broken, and his nerve was gone. "'T weren't even a hog," he repeated dolefully; "'t were a shote; and you you of all of 'em had to help me on." "But how in the whole long road did it happen?" asked 007, sizzling with curiosity. "Happen! It didn't happen! It just come! I sailed right on top of him around that last curve thought he was a skunk. Yes; he was all as little as that.

"That was from one o' the redskins, whose thigh I barked for sendin' an arrow raither close to my head," said the young man. "But," continued his bride, with increasing anxiety, "the shote an' the cry was long before you comes home. Pr'aps it bees Leetil Tim."

He stepped forward, locked the door, and made sure the blinds were offering no cracks of light. Satisfied that all was well, he turned to the figure sprawled on the floor with outflung arms. "Dead as a stuck shote," he said callously after he had turned the body over. "Got him plumb through the forehead in the dark, too. Some shootin', Shorty."

He and his have only been in the new building for a few weeks, but they have made wild work of it already. In the room to the left of the door a "bonneva," or half-grown pig of the size called a "shote," in the State of Georgia, was disporting himself by looking on at a girl spinning wool, a "boy" doing nothing, and two dirty youngsters wallowing on the floor.

I'm not going to guy anyone as long as I steam not when they're new to the business an' anxious to learn. And I'm not goin' to guy the old Mogul either, though I did find him wreathed around with roastin'-ears. 'T was a little bit of a shote not a hog just a shote, Poney no bigger'n a lump of anthracite I saw it that made all the mess. Anybody can be ditched, I guess."

It certainly was very coarse and vulgar language, and I think, said I, that your Secretary had just cause to be offended at such an ungentlemanlike attack, although he showed his good sense in treating it with the contempt it deserved, It was plaguy lucky for the doctor, I tell you, that he cut stick as he did, and made himself scarce, for Alden was an ugly customer; he'd a gin him a proper scalding he'd a taken the bristles off his hide, as clean as the skin of a spring shote of a pig killed at Christmas.

The fact is we killed a shote the other day. Mother 'lowed you couldn't git any sich bread in town and a feller has to have somethin' to eat once in awhile. Now, I do wonder what this here is," he added, tugging at his pocket. "Well, if it ain't the thighs and the pully-bone of a fried chicken, I'm the biggest liar that ever walked a log. Oh, I'm full up.

Why cudn't ye gi' me a chance?" "I'm sorry, Flinders, but I couldn't well help it. The critter rose right in front o' me." "Vat a goot shote you is!" exclaimed the botanist riding back to them and surveying the prostrate deer through his blue spectacles. "Ay, and it's a lucky shot too," said Fred, "for our provisions are running low.