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It has not escaped the German of this temper, that the whirling gossip and innuendoes that have lately annoyed the present party in power in England, have had to do with three names: Isaacs, Samuels, and Montagu, all Jews and members of the government. German politics, German social life, and the German press cannot be understood without this explanation.

'And if he doesn't close to-day after your splendid sermon, added the Gabbai, 'you must call and talk to him face to face. The minister made a wry face. 'But that's not in my duties. 'Pardon me, Mr. Gabriel, put in the Parnass, 'you have to call upon the afflicted and the bereaved. And Simeon Samuels is spiritually afflicted, and has lost his Sabbath. 'But he doesn't want comforting.

The Sultan smiled most graciously, and said, 'Present your friends to me. I first presented George Samuels, my relative, then Mr Wire of the City of London, and Dr Loewe. When Mr Pisani repeated the last name and the Doctor made a bow, Mr Pisani informed the Sultan that the Doctor had presented to the late Sultan a translation of the hieroglyphical inscription on the Obelisk in the Hippodrome.

"That has always struck me as impossible; for the ancestor of these Samuels was present at the closing of the house, a hundred and fifty years ago. He was according to the file, a servant or confidential clerk of De Rennepont. It is impossible that he should not have known many things, the tradition of which must have been preserved in the family."

"It is the policy of the Service throughout to clear up and settle these doubtful land cases. We must get such things decided. We can't stop because of a little localized popular clamour." "Are there many such cases up in the Durham country?" asked Bob. "Probably a dozen or so." "Isn't it likely that those men have got behind Samuels in order to discourage action on their own cases?"

When the people have more time, when the other things are done, then the price will be too high. They'll decide to attend to their own business." Samuels listened to this closely. "There's a good deal in what you say," he agreed. "I know it's that way with us. If I couldn't build a better road with less money and less men than our Supervisor, Curtis, does, I'd lie down and roll over.

'And you caught an Englishman in Simeon Samuels, chuckled the Parnass, in whose breast the defeat of his candidate had never ceased to rankle. 'Not he. An Englishman plays fair, retorted Barzinsky. He seriously considered himself a Briton, regarding his naturalization papers as retrospective. 'We are just passing the Reverend Gabriel's house, he went on.

It is true a horse and carriage dashed into Peleg, the pawnbroker's, window down the street, frightened, Peleg maintained, by the oilskins fluttering outside Simeon Samuels' shop; but as the suffering was entirely limited to the nerves of Mrs. Peleg, who was pious, and to the innocent nose of the horse, this catastrophe was not quite what was expected.

"Why did you abolish the old style of minister who had to slaughter the sheep? Now the minister reserves all his powers of destruction for his own flock." "I have given him endless hints to preach only once a month," said Mr. Montagu Samuels dolefully. "But every Saturday our hearts sink as we see him walk to the pulpit." "You see, Addie, how a sense of duty makes a man criminal," said Sidney.

Where have you put those sixty quintals of fish which belong to Emile?" "It took more'n half t' voyage, believe me, Doctor, to meet t' summer's expenses. There wasn't more'n thirty quintals all told, and half of that was mine. Samuels only allowed we four dollars a quintal, and his flour was eight, and molasses seventy cents. He said he'd land Emile's share when he comes in on his home trip."