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I did, armed with lavender water, with which I so besprinkled myself and premises, that, like my friend Sairy, I was soon known among my patients as "the nurse with the bottle."

"'Tis a splendid tale; 'tis so desperate foolish," he would often say. Monday marnin' I wur to start early. Aal the village know'd I wur a-gwain, an' sum sed as how I shood be murthur'd avoor I cum back. On Sunday I called at the manur 'ouse an' asked cook if she hed any message vor Sairy Jane. She sed: "Tell Sairy Jane to look well arter 'e, Roger, vor you'll get lost, tuck in, an' done vor."

I walked in, an' thur wur a hole in the purtition, an' I seed the peeple a-payin' thur money vor bits o' pasteboord. I axed the mon if he could take I to Lunnon. He sed, "Fust, second, or thurd?" I sed, "Fust o' course, not arter; vor Sairy Jane ull be waitin'." He sed 'twer moor ner a pound to pay. I sed the paason sed 'twer about eight shillin'.

"Wa'al," replied David, "mebbe he will an' mebbe he won't, but I don't see what else the' is for it, an' I guess 'twon't kill him for a spell The fact is " he was proceeding when Mrs. Bixbee interrupted him. "I guess we'd better adjourn t' the settin'-room an' let Sairy clear off the tea-things," she said, rising and going into the kitchen.

"Polly an' I," he said, "went down to New York one spring some years ago. Her nerves was some wore out 'long of diff'rences with Sairy about clearin' up the woodshed, an' bread risin's, an' not bein' able to suit herself up to Purse's in the qual'ty of silk velvit she wanted fer a Sunday-go-to-meetin' gown, an' I thought a spell off 'd do her good.

As he tucked his napkin into his shirt collar, Sairy brought in the tureen of oyster soup, and he remarked, as he took his first spoonful of the stew, that he was "hungry 'nough t' eat a graven imidge," a condition that John was able to sympathize with after his two days of fasting on crackers and such provisions as he could buy at Purse's.

"Ye ain't count'n' on the fun o' workin'," he suggested. "I'm counting on that five dollars eight bits to a dollar, forty bits altogether. Why, it's a fortune, Bub." He took out his knife, looked around for a stick to whittle and, finding none, put the knife in his pocket with a sigh. "I guess Will Morrison wouldn't like it," he decided. "Put up yer money, Sairy."

Tom sat in the sun on the porch, and the big yellow cat slept beside him, and the china asters bloomed in the tiny yard. Sairy was drying apples. She had them spread on boards in the sun. Now and then she came from the kitchen to look at them, and with a peach bough to drive the bees away.

I wur tell'd Paddington wur the Lunnon stashun by a porter, an' I look'd round vor Sairy Jane, as she sed as how her ud be heer at one o'clock; and porter sed 'twer then dree o'clock, an' likely Sairy Jane had gone away. Drat thay sausingers as mead I too late vor the train! I set down to wait for Sairy Jane, as I didn't know her directions, an' hed left the letter she sent at whoam.

"I'll show you how they look. I was lying, you see, at the edge of the crater, and they were all overhead." The picture passed away, and he began to think that the minies' unearthly shriek was much like the winter wind round Thunder Run Mountain Sairy and Tom Was Sairy baking gingerbread? Of course not; they didn't have gingerbread now.