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But he couldn't make the judge see it nor could I. They let Rufus Blent have his way, and Uncle Pete went to the 'sylum. "Then they ordered me off the island. I believe Blent wanted to s'arch it himself for the treasure box. He's a sneakin' man I allus hated him," said Jerry, clenching his fist angrily. "But they could ha' put me in the jug if I'd tried to fight him. So I come away.

Nor I can't send you out to s'arch for your sister, wi' the knowledge that it'll surely end in her warmin' your little sit-upon. . . . I'd do it myself, this moment," the mother grew wrathful only to relent, "if I could be sure you weren't sickenin' for something. You're behavin' so unnatural." She eyed him anxiously.

They would have cut that thaif's wizzen wid a mighty good will, I knows." "Mebbe so, but I don't believe it!" said the hunter, with an incredulous shake of his head. "Would ye have me give up the s'arch altogether?" "Can't say that I would; howsumever, the chance is small, and ye'd better go west with me, and spend the winter in l'arning how to trap fur beaver and otter."

If a woman of red skin and red gifts could get to be near enough to me to wish her for a wife, I'd s'arch for just such another, but that can never be; no, that can never be. I'm glad Hetty has met with Hist, howsever, for though the first is a little short of wit and understanding, the last has enough for both.

Sure enough, where would a lover of finery be so little likely to s'arch, as among garments as coarse and onseemly as these of poor Hetty's. I dares to say, Judith's delicate fingers haven't touched a bit of cloth as rough and oncomely as that petticoat, now, since she first made acquaintance with the officers! Yet, who knows? The key may be as likely to be on the same peg, as in any other place.

Got a look on him make ye shiver all over; says he's gwineter s'arch de house. He's got a constable wid him dat is, he's got a man dat looks like a constable, an' " St. George laid his hands on the old woman's shoulders, and turned her about. "Hush your racket this instant, and tell me who is downstairs?" "Marse Talbot Rutter," she wheezed; "come f'om de country got mud all ober his boots." "Mr.

"Yer see, yer don't know much about red-skins and their devilments, and therefore, it's my private opine, instead of getting the gal, they'll git you, and there'll be the end on't." "Tim, couldn't yees make the s'arch wid me?" asked Teddy, in a deeply earnest voice. The trapper shook his head. "Like to do't, but can't. It's time I was up to the beaver runs this night and had my traps set.

"And he certainly stood up to that red-faced sheriff this morning Oh, gee!" finished the tomboy, with a gasp. "Here he is now." "Here's who?" squealed Lil, whirling around. "Professor Dimp?" demanded Nell. But it was the sheriff. "'Scuse me, young ladies," he wheezed. "But I feel it my duty to s'arch this yere camp.

Where d'ye say this here murder was committed?" "Barbican." "I don't wonder at anything happening there. They're a stinking lot. Why don't ye s'arch the shipping there and in Cattewater?" "We've been s'arching all day. And now the constables are off towards Stoke it seems a child answering all particulars was seen in that direction this morning." "That don't look like being made away with."

He had his left foot in the stirrup, and had grasped the mane of the animal with his right hand, when the leader yelled: "Hold on thar! Not so quick, sonny. We don't let nobody as sneakin' as you are ride off with a gun in his hip pocket. S'arch 'im, boys; he's jest the sort to fire back on us an' make a dash fer it." Hunter and Burks closed in on him.