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Peace's untrammeled frankness furnished him much amusement. "Well, then, why is Allee going to be in one room and me in another?" "Why why why " stammered the learned Doctor, at loss to know how to explain certain plans he and Mrs. Campbell had in mind. "We thought it would be best to pair you off so one of you younger girls roomed with one of the older sisters. Don't you?"

So Mary and Madeline departed in one direction and Helen in another, while an obliging senior who roomed across the hall put Betty's half of the room to rights Helen's was always in order, a freshman next door helped Betty into a white linen suit, which is the Harding girl's regular compromise between street and evening dress, and somebody else telephoned to Miss Hale that Nan was coming.

He looked at me in perfect amazement. Then, rising from the chair, he took me by the hand, and said, "Thank you, sir." I saw him that night, make his way down the crowded aisle of the church, give the minister his hand, and say, "I will." But I had a sad experience at college. I roomed with a man when I was a student for the ministry, and never spoke to him about his soul.

We roomed together, and one night, when the persecution was hottest, he was so distressed that he could not sleep. He tossed, tumbled, and groaned aloud. So I set to work to comfort him. "Mark," said I, "never mind this bit of a gale, it will soon blow itself out. This item of yours will be remembered and talked about when all your other work is forgotten.

Ned and he were very good friends, even though they had never met until they had been roomed together in the fall, but Jerry was a new boy still, while Ned was a Junior and had known Herb Welch three years. "I suppose," he thought, "Ned didn't want to offend Welch. Much he cares whether I'm elected or not!" "Coming?" asked Ned, pausing at the door. Jerry shook his head. "No, I guess not.

"'Any of the waiters or the chambermaids? asked Peter. "I'd been expectin' he'd ask that, and I hated to answer. "'One of the waiters was a little late, says I. 'Willie wa'n't on hand immediate. Said he went to wash his hands. "Now the help gen'rally washed in the fo'castle the servants' quarters, I mean but there was a wash room on the floor where the Sterzer-Robinsons roomed.

Eddie Mahan and I roomed together, and in the room adjoining were Watson and Swigert, two substitute quarterbacks. Folding doors separated the rooms, and these had been flung open. In the night, it turned cold, and the summer bedding was insufficient. Swigert couldn't sleep, he was so chilled, so he got up, and went in search of blankets.

Mess hall was left with almost the same amount of formality. In the short recreation period that followed the new men, painfully conscious that their caps were the only part of the uniform they wore, were hurried away by Midshipman Cranthorpe. Now they were quickly assigned to the rooms that they would occupy during their first year at the Naval Academy. The midshipmen are not roomed by classes.

When a man is twenty-one, and has had no experience, and graduates from a small college where he roomed alone in splendour, and possesses a gift of words and a certain delight in reading, and is thrown into new and, to him, romantic surroundings when all these stars of chance cross their orbits, he begins to write a novel.

Thompson placed himself unreservedly in Sophie's hands. He had to reach an express office on lower Market, get his things, and proceed thence to the house where he had roomed all winter. Since it suited Miss Carr's book to convey him to the first point, he accepted the gift of her company gladly.