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So, at last, I got out o' my bed one night a-purpose to listen careful, and there, if Ned wasn't ravin' away to hisself, in his sleep, and 'twas all about gettin' away up to the docks at Lunnon, and hidin' in some ship bund for the North, him and Muster Alick. It giv' me a turn, as I see it's done the same to you this minnit, my dear.

I sat next Laycock at dinner and he was ravin'. Told me she was to be here and I didn't know it. Rather ridiculous, you know. Where is she?" "Somewhere in the rooms." "What's she like?" "Oh! I don't know. She's in black. Go and look for her." Lord Holme strode on. As he passed Mr. Bry he said: "I say, Bry, d'you know Miss Pimpernel Schley?" "Naturally."

Her husband turned toward her. He opened his lips to introduce Eileen. His wife forestalled him. "So this is the Eileen you have been ravin' about for years," she said. "I thought you said she was a pretty girl." Eileen's soul knew one sick instant of recoil. She looked from James Heitman to Caroline, his wife, and remembered that he had a habit of calling her "Callie."

"Do you know," he breaks in, "I believe I should like it. If you think she's good looking now, young man, you should have seen her at 19, at 22, or at 25. What an ass I was! And now I suppose she's like a full blown rose, perfect, exquisite?" "Oh, I don't mean she's any ravin' beauty," says I, hedgin'. "You don't, eh?" says he. "Well, I'd just like to see.

Natur' meant that season on purpose for courtin'. A little tidy scrumptious lookin' sleigh, a real clipper of a horse, a string of bells as long as a string of inions round his neck, and a sprig on his back, lookin' for all the world like a bunch of apples broke off at gatherin' time, and a sweetheart alongside, all muffled up but her eyes and lips the one lookin' right into you, and the other talkin' right at you is e'enamost enough to drive one ravin' tarin' distracted mad with pleasure, ain't it?

"No, no; not very sick, Dolf," cried Tom, trembling through all his great frame, "only a little nervous, a headache, or something of that sort." "She's just ravin' crazy ask Vic if you don't believe me. The doctors come in before daylight; I went after 'em myself. Robbers broke into de house last night, sah, and frightened our sweet young lady a'most to death." "Robbers, Dolf!" "Yes, sah.

As he undressed he told me how for many years the strange woman had been roving in the roads "up hill and down dale, thousands an' thousands o' miles," and never reaching the end of her journey. In a moment we heard a low wail above the sound of the breeze that shook the leaves of the old "popple" tree above our roof. "What's that?" I whispered. "I guess it's ol' Kate ravin'," said Uncle Peabody.

"Klusky was here again while you was gone, too. I itch to choke that Jew whenever he gets to ravin' over these people. He's sure losin' his paystreak. He gritted his teeth an' foamed like a mad malamoot, I never see a low-downer lookin' aspect than him when he gets mad." "'I'll make 'em come to me, says he, 'on their bellies beggin'. It ain't time yet. Oh, no!

And throughout all this period of incalculable duration, this inconceivable host of sentient organisms have been in a state of unceasing battle, dread, ravin, pain.

"He fair frothed at the mouth at it, an' made me promise to give him a month's notice next time. How's a man to know a month ahead when he's goin' to be in the notion for a bender. I'm fair ravin' for it now; but like's not I'll be all out o' the notion in a month." "Then you'll be a sight o' money ahead," sez I. "Money? What's money for? Can you buy a thirst like mine with money?