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"But I don't care two inions For political opinions, While I can stand my heavy and my quartern; For to drown dull care within, In baccy, beer, and gin, Is the prime of a working-tailor's fortin! "There's common sense for yer now; hand the pot here." I recollect nothing more of that day, except that I bent myself to my work with assiduity enough to earn praises from Crossthwaite.

"I didn't know you felt so about being free. Aun' Jinkey never seemed to trouble much about it." "I'se 'feared Aun' Jinkey tink a heap on de leeks en inions ob Egypt." "Dar now, Uncle Lusthah, you po'ful good man, but you owns up you doan know nufin' 'bout spooks, en I knows you doan know nufin' 'bout freedom." "Yes I does," replied Uncle Lusthah.

However, our boy is able to mind the gate now, and I said, says I, "Barbara, let's call and see John Smith." 'I am sorry to hear yer pore head is so bad still. 'Ay, I assure you that frying o' fish is going on for nights and days. And, you know, sometimes 'tisn't only fish, but rashers o' bacon and inions. Ay, I can hear the fat pop and fizz as nateral as life; can't I, Barbara? Mrs.

"Different men are of different opinions; some like apples, some like inions," sang Patty, as she swayed herself idly back and forth in the veranda swing; "but, truly-ooly, Nan," she went on, "I don't care a snipjack. I'm quite ready and willing to go to the White Mountains, or the Blue or Pink or even Lavender Mountains, if you like."

Natur' meant that season on purpose for courtin'. A little tidy scrumptious lookin' sleigh, a real clipper of a horse, a string of bells as long as a string of inions round his neck, and a sprig on his back, lookin' for all the world like a bunch of apples broke off at gatherin' time, and a sweetheart alongside, all muffled up but her eyes and lips the one lookin' right into you, and the other talkin' right at you is e'enamost enough to drive one ravin' tarin' distracted mad with pleasure, ain't it?

I may be wrong, certainly, for we are all of us liable to error. You know "Different peoples has different opinions Some likes apples and some likes inions!"

Looking one day into the hot-beds, which he seemed to have taken much pride in, I found he had filled more than half the space with different varieties of onions, and another part with carraway seeds! When I asked why he put them in there, he said "Shure, ye couldn't have anything betther nor inions. Many's the thousand I've raised in Ireland, when I was with Kurnel Kitchener in Limerick."

'And it's myself that would be plaised to be sitting in the parlor at Ballyduff wid me own Bridget Moghlaghigbogh, listenin' while she breathed swate vows, after making her supper upon praties and inions. 'I think I'd ruther be hyar, was the commentary of the trapper upon the expressed wish of the Irishman.

"Wall," said the landlord, fetching a long breath, "that's a purty long sarmon for a chap that rips a little now and then. He wanted to, last Sunday, but I stopped him just as he was goin' out of the door with four heads strung on a string, for all the airth like a string of inions."

He was once observed in the act of making himself 'passing civil and friendly by overspreading his face with a large smile that seemed to have no connection with the humor he was in. Sympathy because of his deafness elicited this response: 'Ay, I assure you that frying o' fish is going on for nights and days. And, you know, sometimes 'tisn't only fish, but rashers o' bacon and inions.