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Updated: August 12, 2024
"I should prefer to invite her myself," said Lady Holme, with a distinct touch of hauteur which made Mrs. Wolfstein smile maliciously. When Lady Holme was alone she realised that she had, half unconsciously, meant that Miss Schley should find that there was at any rate one house in London whose door did not at once fly open to welcome her demure presence. But now?
It is related by the Washington staff correspondent of the Chicago Times-Herald that just after the battle of Santiago, Commodore Schley went aboard the Iowa and hailed Captain Evans with the remark that it had been a great day for the American navy. "But why didn't you obey orders and close in on the mouth of the harbor instead of heading out to sea?" inquired Evans.
The military commissions to superintend the evacuation of Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the adjacent islands were forthwith appointed for Cuba, Major-General James F. Wade, Rear-Admiral William T. Sampson, Major-General Matthew C. Butler; for Puerto Rico, Major General John R. Brooke, Rear-Admiral Winfield S. Schley, Brigadier-General William W. Gordon who soon afterwards met the Spanish commissioners at Havana and San Juan, respectively.
She knew her house was one of those to which any woman setting out on the conquest of London would wish to come. She did not want Miss Schley there, but she resolved to invite her if peopled talked too much about her not being invited. And she wished to be informed if they did. One day she spoke to Robin Pierce about it. Lord Holme's treatment of Carey had not yet been applied to him.
It was a holiday for San Juan, and there were many people in the streets. "Rear Admiral Schley and General Gordon, accompanied by their staffs, proceeded to the palace in carriages. The 11th infantry regiment and band, with troop H of the 6th U. S. cavalry, then marched through the streets, and formed in the square opposite the palace.
“For while the Colon was showing a speed that was the equal at least of our own Brooklyn, long-headed Commodore Schley saw that she was hugging the coast, although a point of land loomed in the distance to cut her off or drive her out to sea.
"Go to the club if you like; but I must peep in for five minutes. Mrs. Ulford, didn't you think Miss Schley rather delicious ?" She went out of the box with one hand on a pink arm, talking gently into the trumpet. "You goin' to the Elwyns?" said Lord Holme, gruffly, to Leo Ulford as they got their coats and prepared to follow. "Depends on my wife. If she's done up "
"It's the meanest implying that all that's natural to you, that sets you apart from others, is an assumption to make you stand out from the rest of the crowd, and that you hate Miss Schley because she happens to have assumed some of the same characteristics, and so makes you seem less unique than you did before." Lady Holme said nothing for a moment.
It even frequently turns his head and makes him almost as intoxicated as a young girl with adulation received at her first ball. The combination of Miss Schley herself and Miss Schley's celebrity or notoriety had undoubtedly turned Lord Holme's head. Perhaps he had not the desire to conceal the fact. Certainly he had not the finesse.
"It's Sir Donald's son, Leo," said Lady Cardington. Pimpernel Schley lifted her eyes for an instant from her plate, glanced at Leo Ulford, and cast them down again. "Leo Ulford's a blackguard," observed Mrs. Trent. "And when a fair man's a blackguard he's much more dangerous than a dark man." All the women stared at Leo Ulford with a certain eagerness. "He's good-looking," said Sally Perceval.
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