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A voice, the voice of Ramiro del' Orca I knew it upon the instant reached my ears which concentration had rendered superacute. "It is locked, Baldassare. Get out those tools of yours and force it." My wits were working now at fever-pace.

"You remember the alternative," said his father in a low voice, and he stopped. "I suppose," broke in Father Thomas, "that we may at any rate reckon upon the consent, or at least upon the silence of the Heer bridegroom." "You may reckon on his silence, Father Thomas," replied Ramiro. Then the ceremony began. They dragged Elsa to the table.

The Lord Cesare Borgia shall hear of it." Her anger betrayed her more and more, and however hidden it may have been to her, to me it was exceeding clear that she was encompassing my destruction. Ramiro laughed easily. "Madonna, you are at fault. We have not been torturing him, though I confess that we were on the point of putting him to the question.

Again he turned to Madonna. "Madonna Paola, may I conduct you hence? Things may perhaps occur which it is not seemly your gentle eyes should witness. Messer Biancomonte, attend us." Now, in spite of all that Ramiro had made me suffer, I should have been loath to have remained and witnessed his examination. That they would torture him was now inevitable. His chance of answering freely was gone.

"Heaven above us!" said the Inquisitor, "what a great hairy ruffian; it makes me feel nervous to be in the same place with him. I beg you, Governor Ramiro, instruct your soldiers to be watching and to stab him at the first movement." "Have no fear, noble sir," answered Ramiro, "the villain is quite unarmed." "I daresay, I daresay, but let us get on. Now what is the charge against these people? Ah!

Go, look in the church yonder, and see who hangs to the high arm of the Rood the fat Abbe Dominic. Well, I sent him there to-night; to-morrow you will hear how I turned parson and preached a sermon aye, and Ramiro and Adrian called van Goorl, and Simon the spy, should have joined him there, only I could not find them because their hour has not come.

It was at breakfast on the following morning that Ramiro inquired of Black Mag whether the Jufvrouw Brant had sufficiently recovered from the fatigues of her journey to honour them with her presence. The woman replied that she absolutely refused to leave her room, or even to speak more than was necessary.

Oh! these heretics, to what sorrow do they put us orthodox people! Farewell, friend Governor; yes, I think I will go out by the back way, some of those turbulent citizens might be waiting in front. Farewell, and temper justice with mercy if you can," and he was gone. Presently Ramiro, who had accompanied him to the gate, returned.

"Lazzaro!" It was the cry of a breaking heart. Her arms went round my neck, and in a passion of grief her kisses burned on my lips. Then the door of the anteroom opened and I thanked God for the mercy of that interruption. I whispered a word to her, and in obedience she sprang back, and sank limp and broken on the chair once again. Ramiro entered, his men behind him, his face alit with eagerness.

XIV. King Don Alfonso, and the sons-in-law of the Cid, King Don Ramiro of Navarre, and the Infante Don Sancho of Aragon, with all their companies, and all the other honourable men, abode three weeks in St. Pedro de Cardena, doing honour to the Cid.