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She would get well paid as a quick-change artiste at a music hall, and such a gift would be invaluable for bathing on the Cornish coast! The men along the edge are very jolly, they chatter all the time and splash and wash and enjoy themselves. No English seaside place on a trip-day can beat this crowd.

"Oh, I? I can dress in five minutes," responded Sir Stephen, linking his arm in Stafford's. "I'm almost as good as a 'quick-change artist." He drew aside to let Howard follow the butler between the two footmen drawn up beside the door, and they entered the dining-room.

Well, as I was sayin', we'd all hustled down these back stairs they was already red hot and smokin' up good, you understan', and there we was shiverin' outside in the snow, kind of rattled, and no wonder, at that, and the ladies of the troupe histurrical it had come like a quick-change, you understan', when all of a sudden up in the air goes the Original Kelly.

Whether it was the sharp crack of the rifles and the coincident deaths of the two apes, or the fact that the brute which had effected a landing had already put some seven or eight of the natives hors de combat, I could not guess, but the natives had, apparently with one accord, and as though at a preconcerted signal, suddenly abandoned the fight, and were now fleeing in all directions, while the ape, perhaps taken by surprise at the quick-change tactics, or possibly dazed by the severe blows that he had received, stood staring about him, as though undecided what to do next.

"You're such a quick-change artiste." "I must quickly assume the governess or I'll lose my character," she said, rising resolutely. He put her cloak tenderly round her. "You know I'll take you without a character," he said lightly. "If I had no character I might be tempted to take you," she retorted dispiritingly. "Thank you so much for my first supper." Eileen slept little.

And to hear her snap at the women, and order along the men; and then turn and speak to a sick Tommy as his mother or his sweetheart would have wished to hear him spoken to, was a lesson in quick-change from which I am profiting still. And that big, loving heart must often have been racked; but she was always brave and bright. Just once she broke down.

Thorndyke and I had meanwhile clothed ourselves with a celerity known only to medical practitioners and quick-change artists, and in a few minutes descended the stairs together, calling in at the laboratory for a few appliances that Thorndyke usually took with him on a visit of investigation.

I also well remember Sothern's "Lord Dundreary," and a play called "The Duke's Motto," which was based on Paul Feval's novel, "Le Bossu." I frequently witnessed the entertainments given by the German Reeds, Corney Grain, and Woodin, the clever quick-change artist.

He dressed quickly and asked some questions about Strangeways. Otherwise Pearson thought he seemed preoccupied. He only made one slight joke. "You'd be a first-rate dresser for a quick-change artist, Pearson," he remarked.

Kate had no objection to make, and she returned to the sitting-room sooner than they expected her. 'A quick-change artist, Dick said. She wore a brown costume, trimmed with feathers to match; a small bonnet crowned the top of her head, and her face looked adorably coquettish amid the big bows into which she had tied the strings.